vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



Hey assholes!

The day was fucking beautiful, assholes. It sure was great, boy oh boy, boy oh boy. Ashley is my old roommate and will soon be rebirthed into the fun wonderful world of living with jlc. She called at 1130. She tells me she'll be over in a couple seconds to look at the place. Meanwhile, my quadrillion year old portuguese landlord is sweeping the steps. I feel like I should tell him that I will do it, and to refuse for him to do shit like that, but I was told from Olga that he derives a sense of purpose from such tasks.

(Digressing, when we were teens Charles wrote an email which included a story of him sitting in a bank. This old woman comes in and tries opening the door but is struggling a little because she's so old. She stops trying and and looks at him as if expecting him to get up and open the door for her. He wrote about how he hated her at that very moment so he sat there staring at her and then the woman huffed and opened the door on her own. He ahted civilization and was too into henry rollins so that story made sense for his situation. But a similar less heartless situation happened to me once at the darke. I was near the top of the stairs in the Underground, watching Geoff's dj set or something, [I was not a fake loser who got up on stage dancing around for my boyfriend when being there kinda made me feel like being at the bank]. This drunk 40+ year old woman who apparently hadn't yet learned how to walk in high heels looks at me as if I should move so that Her Majesty can have cleared a royal golden path to Thee Barre so that Her Majesty from land of Cougaria can get plasteredeth for evermore. She gave me her weak loser drunken evil eye and I kind of chuckled to myself. I felt like Sir Chuckles Chucky himself. I'm totz doing lawn work for Nelson.)

ANYWAY, I'm on the balcony waiting for Ashely to come and OH! Here she comes in a convertible full of people and yells "JAMIEEEEE" at the top of her lungs as my lil landlord is confused out of his mind. Not the best first impression! I'm just standing there like oh man and I bring the people up. For some reason while looking at her new apartment she brought 4 of her friends. She sat in my house and looked blankly as I explained to her about everyhting. SHe had no questions about anything.

I could have said, " At midnight the carpets turn into water and sharks nibble at your toes until 5am but you get used to it because their teeth are filled with acid and you get so high that you're totally in a different realm of reality anyway" and she wouldn't have noticed.

Then she's like " Oh I feel sick," she came hungover, and went and barfed in my toilettte in the washroom (which I had cleaned so thoroughly to impress Thy Majesty II). Well it's time to go out for lunch with these strangers who thankfully are awesome and cool, but the whole time Ash has her head on the table and leaves to barf in the restaurant toilet every 2 minutes.
Kind of a different idea I had in mind of "Let's go out to lunch on Saturday and I'll come over and look at the place." SUch is the beauty of Ashely. SHe is great and hilarious but makes the most horrible impressions in the world and does not possess the best etiquette. It is a funny story I will tell at her wedding or some shit like that, I guess.

Left them and I went out with people on Queen all around town , up down, all over the place because it was so beautiful out. I wanted to shoot myself on Queen street it was so busy but I managed to block it out. I bought black tights, that's about it. Went into Rotate and they are significantly nicer there by a longshot which is cool. They were never that mean, but this time they were so nice that it almost creeped me out.

The night before I watched a live performance of Friday Bridge and boy does she suck live. Maybe it was just an awkward club to play in but she seemed so charming and cute to me and it was total dudz. Maybe she is more of a recording artist than anything. Recording artists should stick to being recording artists or do what I do but I won't say what that is yet. Yette.

Had dinner at Spring Rolls which is like a seizure in restaurant form. Thye girl sitting beside us looked like Poylsterene it was cool. That place was delish but their menu is like 20 pages long, their restaurant is like a maze and there are like equal ratio of workers to customers. "Ramsay would call this a nightmare," I thought.

Anyway then it was walk home time which was great because it's that beautiful moment at 7pm when the sun is setting. I got home and Jenny phoned me and pumped me up for the weather all over again. We agreed to go to a patio and meet up with Michele. We didnt find a patio but we settled. I realized I get massive crushes on metal heads. Their sexy long conditioned middle-parted hair just fucking gets me. I'm telling you when you see a guy like this, look at his face really look at it and it is most often really beautiful or extremely structured like a model.

Ran into Peter it was fine. He is a bouncer now and looks like a loser in his bouncer outfit. I told him to wear a fedora and a pink shirt and that he should challenge his perception of bouncers.

Well I guess life is fucking great you know. I'm out all day tomorrow probably. I fucking got into the best college in the world and I find it is really changing me. I didn't realize how much it was stressing me out, I think because I didn't want to let it to stress me out but it really was in the deepest depths, 10000 leagues under thee sea. I still can't believe it. I'm extremely proud of myself still! My dream school!

Hvae I written since the day I found out? I don't think I have. I called my dad and then my closest loved ones in the order that I love them. I actually planned out who to plan. Bernice was after my dad. Jenny and Alexis said we must celebrate this instant at like 2pm so I bought myself a bottle of champagne and a chocolate cake and we got wasted in the afternoon but didnt really eat the cake. They also got me wine and that was real nice so of course we drank that too. Then I told ALexis the story of how we went to Red Lobster after seeing a Red Lobster commercial at some guys apartment. ALexis was like "I could go for some lobster" and I said ok so I went to class for an hour, understood that getting anything out of the lecture so wasted was impossible, so I left and we went to fucking Red Lobster. I ate motherfucking red lobster and biscuits with A., mike and valeria.

I had a heart attack and died and then came home and fell asleep smiling for 9 hours.

Stay chronned.

- get francoise hardy records
- get non-loser calendar for kitchen
- get a new pair of pants
- prepare myself for job interview

2:33 am - 04.06.08


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