vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



My last beautiful days of ignorant bliss before finding out about schools (beacuse I would most definitely NOT get into the most-difficult-to-get-into best dream school of my profession and has released some of the most respectable genius people in education theory ever, that I would probably have to move away and my life would take an extremely complicated turn), was spent not beautifully, but an extremely restless festival of pacing back and forth of my apartment waiting for the mail and engaging in distracting conversations and not sleeping. I managed to give myself a stye also. It is on the inside corner of my eye so you can't really see it but it hurts and is red and gross.

Last night I went to Sneakies and surprisingly indulged in a pitcher of beer. I watched the new Ariel pink video before going to bed because I'm pretty sure it's the most beautiful sweetest cutest video ever, maybe beacuse I have a soft spot in my heart for genev and ariel because Geneva is so fucking cool and I am so into them as a couple.

Did I mention that yesterday I got rejected from Queens, because I was missing half a credit requirement. I started freaking out because it was my second choice. I cried in my bed and bbegan thinking that I might not get into ANY SCHOOLS!

Today I woke up at 9am. I am dying of anxiety. I have crazy anxiety and it is a horrible feeling. I went back to sleep out of depression and awoke at noon. I looked at my kitchen table and there was a large envelope and I nearly freaked to find that it was just a large piece of blank paper Cass had out. Um.
Then I look further on the table, there is one little envelope from Brock (fuck you, Brock! Get a life!) and about 5 HUGE envelopes. I got into 4 other schools. And I.... GOT INTO OISE.



I GOT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`135RO3IUO3JLAKJSDF

I am living in Toronto next year!!!!!! Whcih is kind of bumming me out right now because I was a bit excited to go to a new place and move away, I worked myself up and made myself love the idea, but this is the BEST school and I totally have to go here, I am fucking SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!

I haven't called anybody yet! I showered and dressed up in my dress and did my hair and I'm going to have the best fuckign day ever. I'm also going to get a fucking $60,343,000 bottle of champagne and take 350 of my friends out to the Mandarin ON ME. Well I don't know exactly what I'm going to do but I'm going to go to all events that I can get my hands on this week and have a celebration with people!!!

I can't believe it! I am so happy and relieved.

12:37 pm - 04.02.08


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