vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



Last night in my tutorial, we analyzed the politics of the Black Panthers in terms of their potentially reformist platform conflicting with their self-perception as revolutionaries. Many felt that the platform was reformist. It is absolutely absurd to separate platform from identity, self-description, and political ideology. Anyway I think my TA is totally up on my shit because she starts with me everyweek when we do our what "most interested" us rounds around the class. She did her thesis on women in the Black Panther Party and she is fucking cool.

The article we were given claimed that whites and blacks worked harmoniously to fight for civil rights. I took this opportunity to rant about the SDS and the Weather Underground and how they messed with a lot of weird touchy shit like leading and aiding the Black Panthers, as if blacks were not capable or worthy of their own leadership... not to mention working under the presumption as if they were being asked... Not to mention Newton, and Clarkeson and even Maritn Luther King openly expressing concern over the issue and politics involving white alliances.

I saw an interview with Noam Chomsky and I think one of the reasons a lot of people fucking hate (and love) politics is because of Noam Chomsky. I still assert that I'd like to do his PR and his style and provide charisma classes or maybe have Noam Chomsky start a pop synth band called New Order. Oh shit.

Anywayyyy tonight I plundered to Geoff's and some girls from Ryerson were doing an interview with him. I havne't seen it yet but am eager to. One of the girls was a beautiful blonde beautiful model type of person. I think they all worked at American Apparel. I acted like a big bitch when I got in because Geoff and I are fighting lately. I feel like a big douche about it. We saw Olafur last and it was beautiful. We got a nice seat right behind the orchestra. I guess they are sort of a quiet dull sort of people but it's probably more fair to say they were severely jet lagged. I think Geoff overhypes it to say it is the most beautiful stuff he has heard. But I did shed a couple tears during one song because it was just so fucking sad. And it made me think that I didn't want to listen to it!

Some things have been really difficult but I won't get into that. I really want to talk about Bernice right now. She is really beyond anything I will ever have. She is the strongest, calmest, coolest, fucking greatest best friend. It feels these days that she is one of the only people who I can trust anymore, and that I can really give my whole heart to 100% without hesitation or apprehension. Trust is not a rigid cement block but more like a an extra firm tofu block. I admire and respect her. She has been through so much in her life, so much more than me, and yet she is probably one of the most mature, solid people I have ever come to know. I wear my heart on my sleeve sometimes, and I don't rationalize and I act like a cry baby sometimes. We all can do that. Even Bernice. But being around her and tlaking to her reminds me of the best parts of who the fuck I am. My teaching philosophy is sort of the window and mirror thing... to discover new things but also have yourself reflected in that. Well that is her. She is going through a rough time and she just deserves so much more than what she is getting right now. I am totally there by her side, I got her back 100% forever, and hell, when I can, I'll hold her hand.

Magic passion love positivity!!! PASSION POTION! LOVE IS ALL ABOUT IT!

Know whos good and beautiful and actually really crazy talented in my humble opinion? GRIZZLY BEAR! I didn't realize how cool they were! That's life! Just singing in the streets with yr buddies not giving a fucking shit. They need to not put effects on their vocals on their albums....

2:33 am - 03.14.08


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