vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


"Ding dong, the Witch is Dead"

, is what Nathan said. POSITIVE FORCE!

I randomly read Geoff's old blog today, which he sent me when we were like 17 or something and smitten with one another. Geoff was hilarious. Especially the way he handled girls. Reading it, I realize why he is the way he is... haha. I won't post it because he naturally probably would hate anyone reading it. I began thinking about what consumed my mind in high school.

All throughout my high school career I had a secret all-consuming crush on a boy named Charles. He was part of the art fags, who were more synonymous with the punks kids. I don't mean lame poetry gay shit. Well, okay, there was some lame gay poetry shit going on, but those weren't the art fags, those were the lame gay poetry kids that sewed carrot muffin top or whatever her name is on their homemade loser hippy scuzzbags or wahtever. Ahhh fuck. The real art fags were like "Hey jock assholes, we're art fags, suck our dicks!" and listened to black flag and hung out at art club making tshirts and painting the Bosshoss, the car with the bananas and El Hombre on the front. Boy, did jocks ever think we were fags after that one! Nic Di. and Matt were there and they are cool and live in Toronto now too and you should salute them and say, "The Art Fags live on!"

Like you will!

Anyway, one glorious summer, my parents decided in their brilliant brains to leave us home alone while they went to B.C. for 2 weeks. Party time in the village, Art Fags! This was huge for me because my crush of all time was Coming To My House. As always, I was the impressionable "little sister" hanging out. The Outsiders was on in the background - I was straight edge at that point so that's why I wasn't getting hammed and smoking amazing, fat joints. Then Charles, the gorgeous being that he was, sat beside me and said to me enthusiastically, " DO IT FOR JOHNNY" immediately before Matt Dillon turns around in the film and says "Do it for Johnyn," pumping his fist once. It was our bonding moment. In my mind, I was, like, "This is the best moment of your fucking life, Jamie." He wrote on a piece of paper a bunch of proto-punk bands that I should listen to, liek the Sonics and the Stooges. That is how I first came to know the Coolest person in the fucking world. Teenagers!

Talked to Bernice last night, for a long time and it ruled. Talked a lot of politics. She is also a politics student so knows how to talk about politics in a really mature constructive fun kind of way. If you read this and want to go to sweden with me in the summz, you should seriously talk to me about it. Life doesn't have to get shitty and full of responsbiilty! We should be more free!!!! Art fag revolution, dicks!!! So come on a plane with me and we'll go to Faro, and stay in a tent on the beautiful beach and film each other in the land of Ingmar Bergman and probably end up falling in passionate love with each other because it's the most Passionate Place on Earth.

I'm forever teenaged. Fuck school. Fuck working under the wing of a guy who treats kids like shit. Fuck all the assholes that TRY to put negative fabricated bullshit in my awesome life and act like bully jocks with issues. After graduating I thought, "Fuck yeah! Growing up!" But once I got caught up in it all, I realized that all those shitty jocks from high school grow up and become 30 year old pricks on powertrips! And all those kids that don't settle shit and don't learn to rebel and stand up for themselves or get cool and independent and empower themselves and shit, they let the world turn them into resentful assholes.

I'm no part of that.

There is something good about acknowledging that we're depressed and full of anxiety. It's good for me and you. It shows that our lives are open and we're not living in a dreamworld and we just want the best for us and won't settle for anything less. Which ensures that our lives will stay awesome. And vaneigemy.

3:53 am - 02.08.08


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