vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



King Simba and I greet you. Sweetiepies and Assholes alike, we don't discrmin8.

For the majority of this week I have been stripped of my pizzazz, my sass, and my fire.� The extent of my memory of those days are those confined to my home, which really makes me hate being at home and my home in general. I'm glad I am not there right now. I hate living with people these days. I'm sure that my roommates are some of the sweetest out there. It is just these little bad habits of being messy scuzzbuckets that really get under my skin. I hate things left around, scraps of things left everywhere, not pulling their weight in cleaning. It really was made clear to me in the several days I was out of commission. No one ddi the garbage or recycling, it was disgusting and it really just takes a smigeon of responsibility and initiative and consideration to do such a stupid task. I cannot stand clutter apart from bookshelves and cds/records. Cas probably has the nastiest room I have ever seen in my life, with all do respect to her becuase I like her.� I think the next place I live, I would like one roommate who is a bit older or more mature. I don't know what it is about young indie-ish women that makse them want to never throw anything out and put everything on display, such as pictures of stupid fucking betty boop shit all over the place. We don't have pictures of betty boop but.. principle.

Poop to betty boop. I want my hosue to be mature and beautiful and grown up and nice and relaxing to be in. I don't want a college student house. I am really just kind of thinking about moving and making a change in my life in that department, but I can't decide anything until April when I figure out where I"m giong to be for 8 months next year. It's weird to think that I might be in like... Ottawa or something.

On Friday I felt well enough to teach. Boy am I ever glad I dragged myself there, to work, to one of my many unpaid jobs, yet again. I marked three hunkahunka piles of assignments for three different classes on one of my better days of illness. I had sent Thom an email a few days earlier warning him that I may not be there on Wednesday, and I wasn't. He never did end up responding to me, so I had the sneaking suspicion that he was being passive aggressive about it. I arrived on Friday prepared to be an outright bitch to him if he treated me meanly for missing a day because I had the flu.

He saw me in the office from across the hallway when Kurt was talking to a student, and the look on his face was priceless. A few minutes later he came into the office, "Boy I thought you were bullshitting me!" Think again dickface. So, I was right. It is so his nature to, despite all the work I do for them, assume that I am making things up when I need to be excused instead of just maturely cutting me some slack and wishing me well. But, I live for these characters. I live to fake work with The Man yet secretly work against Him by proving Him wrong. Anyway it was the last day before th eholidays so it was pretty free for all. Everyone said happy holidays Ms. C. and the day was generally a good vibe. I got to say bye to all the kdidies. "Bye Miss." Then there was this christmas assembly. Remember those? Every year tehy have a teacher's skit, where they make fun of all the teachers. Radita + Thom got blown to smithereens. I am personally freaked out by how talented some of the kids are.

I came home, really tired, feeling nauseous. I got fucking garbage bags and did the stupid fucking garbage and recycling because I guess it doesn't occur to any of my roommates that it would be nice for either of them to do this since I am sick with the flu. But now I had no excuses since I was back in functioning order. On my way out my 80 year old portuguese landlord, Nelson, who really fucking loves me, came out and told me that he wants to give us his xmas persent for us the next day. I smile and love him and say bye merry chrstimas hallelujiah whatever see you tomorrow, Nelly.

I threw in the towel for that day. blabhlah. I shopped the next day on Queen streetish to look for� a gift for michelle because she is who I am worried about the most. I ran into Anthony, who is so cute, with his brother, and we chatted for a bit. I hadn't seen him in like a year, and I looked like major crap but oh well. As I was walking I felt super nauseous like I was going to ralph all ova the streetz. It was serious. I realized I Hadn't ate much in like 4 days or some shit because of the flu (my life) and all, so I got a delicious sandwich at Quiznos. Glorious beuatiful quiznos.� I enjoyed my beautiful lunch and felt better.

Picked up my train ticket so I didn't have to stress out about making it in time. Met Geoff for coffee, we bickered the whole time because I was in the worst mood possible and focused on all the bad aspects of every bad part of everything. Geoff is the person I feel comfortable being bad moody to when I am in a bad mood so I guess that is kind ofbad because the person I love the most gets the least love on my bad days. I called him later and apologized for being a dick. Not even a dick, I was pretty much a giant erect 12 foot cock on the Beastie Boys tour of 1989 or wahtever. I said sorry for beign one of those and of course he was cool and wonderful about it. We love each other.

The train was amazing and chill. I listened to my music, the Spice Girls compilation I made myself, and met my parents at the station. Who Do You Think You Are is a pretty good song. When I was in grade 7 me and my friends did a dance routine to Say You'll Be There, and we ended the danec with me doing the cartwheels landing in the splits. It ruled balls. My parents drove to a party and I drove home. Simba was so cute and couldn't give two fucks that I was home, all he did was loook at me and motion for food as usual. My dad told me I'm getting skinny and poked at my ribs.

Today I slept until 2pm. It was fucking weird. I can't even remember falling asleep it must have all happened so fast. I shopped at the mall in Belleville. It was odd. I got matt a really cool history book. I kind of want it. It is pretty much a bunch of weird historical asides that don't fit into tradition historical narratives. I got my mum a scarf from Danier and this girl who is 3 years younger than me who went to my high school walked in pregant and asked if tehy had Coach purses. What an idiot. Yeah, take a right, walk into Sears, maybe they'll have them there. Fucking loser.� I got my aunt some adidas track pants. I feel shitty about it but I don't know what else to get her. Clinique and earrings or something. No idea. I found new perfume that I like at least. At first it reminded me of Matt two summers ago, but not so much anymore. It smells really good and I might get it.� I miss Matt and I've been thinking of him a bit lately.

My house looks beautiful this Christmas and things finally are feeling like it's Christmas. I love this time of year, maybe not so much in Toronto but here it's nice. It's also nice to have cable and watch Jamie Oliver and What Not to Wear. I started a book last night and it's actually pretty cool, so I'm looking forward to working on it the next few days. My mom has crazy crazy painting shit here so I might start something tomorrow, or when I'm bored on Christmas.

Talked to Geoff tonight. We talked about stuff here, and his work stuff and what the heck he's going to do tomorrow. He talked about maybe just not going home for xmas this year and I am going to kill him if he does that. Over my dead body he isnot going home for xmas. Iam terrified he is going to turn into Jeff, that Jeff has too big of an influence on him, which would really surprise me because Jeff is one of the loseriest people I know right now. But aynway it was SO nice to talk to him, like a breath of fresh air. Geoff is becoming a large part of me and of who I am. We have known each other now for like over 5 years or something, we have been through a lot, too much, I don' tknow.

I am largely exctied for Christmas 2. I have a christmas with my family, and then a couple days later my friends and I have our own big Christmas together. It's really fucking awesome and fun. They are the funnest funniest people I know. I am totally fucking so excited to have everyone together again. I am thinking now that if they want to do New Years together, that I might sacrifice Toronto and go. Kelly is making a turkey at her house, I am bringing adn toasted almond avocado salad and some bread. Berncie is bringing cakes from her bakery etc.

I suppose it's time to go to bed. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve!!! Happy Holidays or whatever!!


Love Simba + Me

1:49 am - 12.24.07


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