vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



How brave can brave be. Senegal would be a cool place to go. Yes. I really would like to go on a grand brave adventurous trip to somewhere far far this summer. I want to get a job and save all of my money for this crazy trip. I want to go to Norway / Sweden. I want to go to the island of Faro, the island that Ingmar Bergman pegged as Paradise on Earth. I want to go where all those beautiful films were made. Even despite my high expectations, maybe on the way there I will stumble upon something to make my own. I want to stay in cottages on the Norwegian lakesides. If I don't find it, I'll write a book about it.

Today we took the politics class to court and witnessed a murder trial. It was about a man who stabbed his wife with a butcher knife and it went straight through the other side of her body. Ruyumi, one of the students was very scared when he came in handcuffed. She seems to liek me a lot. She is one of the smart ones in the class. Overall I didn't really enjoy the experience to be honest. I felt like I was intruding on a very private matter. Obviously this man disgusted me. He is a domestic abuser and that is all he is. One of the crown attorneys looked like Laura Palmer. Which apparently means she looked like me, but it was in a different way so she didn't. She was skinny and blonde. Another was a cross-examination of some police officer who wrongfully detained some kid who broke into Mcdonalds. It was time to go so I went with Aaron to his history class.

I left early because I started tutoring two new kids today- Rubin and Sabina. Well let me tell you, Rubin is the sweetest little thing known to humans on earth. Holy mother fucking shit. I am doing this tutoring thing because... well, I don't really know why. I got a bit sucked into it this year and I'm still "paying my dues." I enjoy it a lot, it just sucks up a lot of my time and isn't directly what I want to do. And I'm sick of doing work and not getting paid for it. But it is for a good organization, it's easy hours, and and these kids are just little sweetie pies. You would love them I know you would. Rubin is such a cutie. There is another tutor there who is horrible.. horrible. All he does is nag and everything he says is framed in the negative. That goes against the basics of teaching. You manage through responsibility and expectation, not discipline and punishment. He also took a call on his cell phone in the middle of the session and I thought that was losery.

I went to get empanadas with michelle after that and now I'm here. I'm going to Jenny's soon to watch the HILLS (and to get high to be honest). I was just going to criticize tv-watching but I wish I had a tv. THere is a cbc special I wna tto see.

Michelle got me these pretty little notebooks books that close with a "tuck"
from the national architecture institute in rotterdam. and a light purple triangle-y pen. I love dem''

I am kind of feeling like being lonesome-y tonight but I guess I will go out to Jenny's. Cassie has her boyfriend over and they are watching tv , which is right near my head right now. We are right now about a metre apart despite this wall between us so I may as well go over to Jenny's. I wont be able to concentrate on msuic.

Tomrorow I go to the doctors because I lost my birth control pills. I'm running like 2 days short of intense female hormones so I kind of thought I would be crazy today, but I was really chillers. I hate saying " birth control pills." There should be a cool name for them. Like... Snorlax. I lost my Snorlaxes. For hallow'''n geoff is oging to be a giant pikachu and im going to be snorlax. We talked about it last night. He is djing at the slutcial tongight.

Anyway im late or some shit!!!!!! new pictures soon. New song ft geneva soon

8:01 pm - 10.22.07


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