vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



I began this entry with "This has been a horrible.. horrible fucking weird week for me." I was in a horrible mood and started thinking about EVERYTHING that has gone this week and totally started like CRYING out of complete frustration. It feels like it is Friday after a long, bad, work week. Or worse. And then you realize it's only Tuesday and you're like, "fuck." Now, I've cried twice in one week!

Life is stressful in work, friendships, relationships (but not anymore), family, and physical health. Jeese. I guess it can only go up from here.

It is g's bday on friday but he is going to be in mtl on a business trip. I am really excited for him because he never gets to go anywhere. This will be his frist time on a train! I am really pumped for him. So tonight, the night before he leaves for mtl, I surprised him with a cake and candles. I also wrote him a letter to read when hes in mtl on his bday. I cant even remember what I wrote but it was from the heart. It was from the last page of a notebook he gave me which is fitting. I filled both sides in tiny cursive. Being around him made me feel great. We got in a tiff last night, and it really upset me all day today. We talked about it and everything is great. While we don't have many, we are dealing with our conflicts a lot better. I also talked to hima bout some things stressing me out and he was so supportive and made me feel a lot better. We had a lot of fun together and went for a drink at sneakys. Let me tell you, I am back now and I feel so fancy and fuck off to my shitty week . i dont give a shit! everything is great i love love I am making things happen, etc. I suffer from a lto of anxiety when i start new things and that was definitely me all day today. but now im cool and feel better.

I have my first lesson tomorrow... thom did not do what he told me he would do!!!


8:56 pm - 10.02.07


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