vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



Home is fun right now. I am hanging out in my kind-of pretty apartment after getting dinner and looking at books/magazines.
I am updating again even though I updated last night. I am only 22, you know what. I am glad I am still generally irresponsible. I look at my sister and sometimes I am envious how wrapped up her life seems to be. she's inthis sweetass condo that people with 100K jobs should have. She is getting married, has a car, goes to NYC like it aint not hang. Here I am in my shitty ass 60 year old house staying in a dining room with a boyfriend who doesn't even invite me over to his house. Haha. It's pretty funny.

Last night Jenny, Lizzie (who strangely reminded me of Trevor's girlfriend...), Steph and I went out to patio it up and then dance it up. Steph is fucking funny as shit. She picked up some guy with curly hair in a red tshirt, I thinkwent home with him I'm not sure. Jenny macked up some other dude, Lizzie passively macked up some other guy, so I went home. I need to get friends that are in relationships. I just sort of left without saying goodbye. It is such a stupid me thing to do.

Today I finished my resume, because I have a job, and I figured it gives me incentive to polish that shit up. I also need to find a fax machine. My resume is one of those hot shot ones right now that is 2 pages with a summary of skills on the front. I hear it's bad to have those, though; so tomorrow or the day after maybe i'll make an alternative one pager. Holy shit am I boring enough to be talking about this.

Here is some fucking shit I am into.

Well just a couple things

1. If Edward Scissorhands, Alice in Wonderland, and Dorothy from Oz had a baby
2. OMBRE (A?) Ginger + Lime bodywash
THIS BAND IS THE BOMB. They are a shitty who-gives-ashit band made in the uk made of guys who went to art school together when they were bored and made music videos for soem of their art projects and it was kind of a joke. Sorry foor the mixed drink analysis, but they are like teh buboneinc plague and joy division playing at once.
4. peaches in the ontario farms baskets
5. fucking quiznos , thats right, fucking it. contemplating life inside quiznos
6. NOT shirts that surpass the cleavage area, just not nice looking on anybody.
7. txt
8. my microkorg
9. piano, mastering that erin song i posted earlier, it is down pat except on your microkorg you have to manually switch up octaves, so it's kind of a pain in the synthy ass. like naturally.
10. film like maybe if meghan lived here......... maybe if i went home for a month and we made a film??????
11. why did geoff convince me to buy that off white purse... it is really useless and not even that nice. its sort of nice htough
12.kamakov??/ is that the name?? i must look up now.
13. working on juicing up my room a bit nicer... should get rid of some furniture.

8:06 pm - 07.14.07


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