vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


In love with their whole mood

Oohhhhh jesus. Beyond tired! I am running a bath before bed so I'll write in you dear diary. SO Dear diary life is okay. Everything is changing and its freaking me out, but it's sort of like it's happening in the background and I refuse to look at it. I'm taking things as they come day by day, which I usually don't do. And lately that frame of mind has either almost screwed me up, or totally has screwed me up. I"m pretty lucky I got movers booked when I did, and I think moeny will blow up in my face. And I think saying goodbye to everyone I haven't handled too well because EVERYONE is leaving but whatever.

Good things.. Geoff adn I are back from Montreal. We got back last Thursday. IT seems like we've been back longer than that. Anyway, man it was so awesome. What a ruling trip. We got in a retarded fight before about I dont even know what and the stubborn people that we both are sometimes, almost ended up not going. That was also due to just bad lastminute planning on our part. But it was kind of more romantic that way. We didnt really know where we were going to stay and hopped on the bus. Just when you think things might get better, the bus ride was total fucking hell. Oh, so I dont check the weeather and the snowstorm of the year in MID-APRIL totally comes by. We're stuck in Kingston for 2 hours. Once driving again, I'm clutching onto the arm rest watching cars swerve off the road into ditches left right and centre. I was going to whisper to Geoff, "I am scared for my life" but I just kept quiet clenching my teeth. We both felt too sick to even speak. Oh yeah. I threw up 3 times on that bus ride. I have never taken a bus ride so badly! We got to some breakfast place in the bus station adn I could hardly even keep anything down. I felt horrible. Wow. I knew I must have looked like a big baby but I was too sick to even care. Whatever. Geoff got a good idea to go to Jake's. I really like Jake and he has a cool apartment. I was kind of nervous about meeting him while sick, I felt a bit off and not able to give my 100% in meeting one of my bf's best friends, but I think I managed it okay. Geoff and I agreed to get a hotel for at least that night to get a nice rest after that shithole bus ride. We trecked around montreal for like 4 hours looking for a good hotel, in the snowstorm. Man it was so funny. We were yelling at each other at one point and probably wanting to die the both of us. Which I found very amusing shortly thereafter... I remember going to Italy and SPain and just your friends totally getting on your effing nerves but being totally cool with it at the same time because that's just what happens especially when you're travelling, have no home, no sleep and no food.

Okay. So we found a hotel and it all went up from there. It was so fun and so nice to have that with Geoff. IT was nice to have some alone time and just a nice place that was ours to stay. I forgot my bathing suit so i didnt get to use the pool though. It was one of those ones with a little kitchen and living room. Also sweet breakfasts and all that. It was fun! I've never done that before totally independently and neither has gigi so it was real cool for the both of us i think. It was something I really wanted to do. Nice treat. Expensive treat, but hey, so is my cocaine habit. JKJK

The days were lived to their fullest and funnest. The first night we had a craft night at a bar by our hotel with some of geoffs friends. We made a sailboat and geoff made a giant flag for it that toppled over my sailboat but then we figured it out and it worked. Hurrah teamwork. It was really fun. The next day we went out exploring and to all these museums. LIttle did I know that that Walt Disney exhibition was at the fine arts museum. It was all inspirations, so so cool. If you know me you know I love old Disney movies and all that. NEedless to say I really loved it, and learned about some artists... especialyl Grandville and les fleur anim�es. I remember being little and watching these movies. It was very nostalgic. Acutally I'm not sure exactly why it made me so happy but it did. I forget where else we went to that day. We did a bunch of shopping. I wanted to try smoked meat, ho ho. Jeez. Went to see the Gauthier exhibition and I thought it was really funny. I liked all the mechanized brooms and mops. I am really bad at talking about art because I just feel it and think it but it's hard for me to articulate what it means to me. I just found it really funny to make the everyday work that takes place in the museum the exhibition itself. It would have been even funnier if the artist had staged security attendants as well, or whatever it is that those guys are called. That blurring of labour and art was very funny and smart to me. It was probably one of my favourite parts. Something about the sound of the buzzing brooms and wires. In another room he also had set up these machines that detect movement, and a stick of graphite moves in response to the movement of its surroundings. Whatever. I get how that is cool, but you know. There was also a janitors room. I really used to liek this artist when I was young... rauschenberg.. and it sorta reminded me of that kind of stuff aesthetically. Anyway those two things ruled. Geoff and I agreed that we need to get out more and discover more of that sort of stuff. Well I know I"m going to!

What else... fun times. I also met geoffs other friend who he kind of portrays as pretty skeezy and I like him, but yes I really agree on the topic of his skeeziness. He just talked about really inappropriate things at times especialyl stuff that I particularly didn't want to hear on my vacation, and sometimes I felt invisible espeically when he was talking about all the DKNY models he dates. Oh, people!

But all that made me miss my friends. This was all in the beginning. Later in the week I was hoping to see Trev + marcelle, but they couldnt hang until the 19th because it was just a BADDD week and I left on that day. It's okay though.

I almost bought sweet shoes at that place that sells comme des gar�ons stuff. They were really nice but the sales person who was very pretty and nice in fact was being really annoying and pushy about it and I just wanted them less and less the more she talked. The shoes were too small.

What else... yeah I"m getting tired so I'll cut this shorter. Basically the trip was really great and the hotel ruled and geoff is hot and oh yeah we also got on really great. I knew it would work out great, but we hadnt been around each other that much consecutively since getting back together and it was really cool to just have that confirmed i guess . Liek it just felt really effortlessly natural to hang out and live together even if for a few days. Sleeping the night after in my bed after getting back without him was a huge bummer. The bus ride home ruled and it felt like 2 hours or something. Me and Geoff got gravol and just passed da fuck out. I really like his friend jake. He seems nice and genuine. We were glad to get back by the end of it. Wish I saw my friends and had more time to hang out, but I was pretty happy with the trip just on my own to be honest.

Today I wrote an exam and it kind of sucked to be honest. My essay was a hunk of crap, but I got a good one back so it's all cool and I have room to suck. I went out for nachos tonight and its's something i really regret .

Tomorrow I pack to move out of my apartment. Holy shitters. It's really annoying that sam is showing our apt tomorrow. he has been such a difficult dick lately. hey! debbie downer--> difficult dick.

excuse me while i go put on some strawberry lipgloss and curl up in my pink sheets.

1:32 am - 04.25.07


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