vaneigem's Diaryland Diary




I have been on the email and phone ALL FUKIN DAY!

1. art show organizing
2. new apt
3. marcie date
4. landlord shit
5. foundations for art show

I found some shelves on craigs that I am going to simulate into pillars. Chelsea is really fucking helping me the fuck out and I really love the fuck out of her. Some weirdo is delivering to me bookshelves then I need heavy white fabric. I need a sewer to sew me panels!! Mer has a sewing machine.

I am going ot be really fucking busy the next few weeks.

Tutoring REALLY gets in the way of my days. On Friday, I tutor for one hour in the middle of the day and it prevents me from getting a big day of shit done because it's pretty far from everything else that exists in the world of Toronto. Oh well. This stupid bitch who I tutor with (a fellow tutor.. I wouldnt say this about a student..) well, shes basically as tupid bitch that is incapable of returning Sonia's phone calls. And her neglectful behavior is fucking up my plans because everything could be solved and I could be tutoring on Mondays if it weren't for her. And she doesn't even show up. Her student will be waiting for her sadly. Once she showed up 10 minutes before the end of tutoring. What the fuck? She is trash and has long greasy hair and dresses inappropriately. She obviously doesn't care and it just pisses me off a lot. Wouldnt you feel guilty having a kid that wants and needs to learn waiting for you ? It boggles my mind how fucking inconsiderate some people can be and simultaneously be totally oblivious to how their actions affect others.

Well that's enough bitching.

I foudn these nice filing cabinets for Geoffrey. I mean it would be ahassle to get them but damnn they are nice. I was even thinking of getting them.

Marcie and I have a date tomorrow. I am so busy beyond belief. I didnt have time to have lunch with allison today.
I also need to figure out topics for all my papers etc. I dont have time to chase Geoff down but it stresses me out if he doesn't call. Maybe this time of year is just particularly sensitive for me.

Oh and I am also trying to plan a montreal trip. So here it goes.. the art show i am caving to have on the date that Paul D. proposed with the film student union, i figure I just can't really pass that up so I"m going to suck it up, and figure out all my structures and plans a week in advance so I"m not freaking out that week. The art show will happen. I will clean up until 11pm, i will hop on a bus with geoff at 12am hopefully and go to montreal.

Then im in montreal for awhile, which will be great. Then I have to move, and then i have exams.

This will be interesting.

4:08 pm - 03.22.07


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