vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


Dandy Lion

I'm sick.

Geoff got me flowers today. He is a sweetie pie. He is two sweetie pies. They are so nice to look at. I am going to wake up tomorrow and look at them and sm'ile. I am waiting for my bath to run before bed time. I will get a nice sleep tonight. Fresh pyjamas and lots of Buckleys and vitamins and water. I just need to get super tired. I will read before bed because I needed to do that last night. I wish I got a magazine last night. ACtually I think meredith got the new vogue so maybe I will read that. SHe totally dissed the new yorker the other day and like i mean who even disses the new yorker???????

Pretty sure I got sick from taht Crystl Castles show full of people and that tequila bottle being passed around... gross.

I tutor my new boy tomorrow, it should be okay.

I love my flowers. Geoff is awesome. Sometimes I dont like that he is into that whole dj scene and epeople who "throw parties." I have fun going to them, otherwise I wouldn't go, but I don't know. I think he really enjoys doing it too and it gives him good projects nad keeps him busy so I support it. I am proud of him when I watch him. Djing is cool. Getting really into the scene though is different. I guess I don't really know. The people seem sketchy. It's just not my thing I guess, it's not my ideal place to socialize. Maybe I'm just eager to grow up and stay in all thetime and have wonderful conversations and drink wine and play and make stuff and go to bed liek the domesticated ways. But I"m pretty happy about it since we're both young and having fun. Geoff is prett ymuch independent in every way possible and fends for himself and I really admire that about him. I could learn a thing or two. I'm trying to be better with my money. I'm really struggling with it. My guilty pleasure is going out to eat, because it's a social thing, but fuck me it's expensive. I'm trying to cut down. I was at Michelle's for Steph's baby shower. I twas kind of weird. The majority of the conversation were based in anxiety about jobs, growing up, marriage, or living situations. It stressed me out in a bit, but I was kind of happy that I have a plan to talk about. I'm quite flexible with what happens or where I end up, but I know what qualifications I want to have in order to have some life security. This age is this weird limbo of about to get "older" yet still young.

Everything is pretty dandy.


11:32 pm - 01.30.07


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