vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


its jackson if yr nasty


my heat is broken becuase dudes next door are doing major renovations and the dust did something to it. i was such a huge bitch to the owenr of the house today, "Oh... i heard your heat was broken??... Gee where did all this dust come??" FROM YOUR FUCKING DEMOLITION DERBY NEXT DOOR, YOU FUCKING FAG.

I am a firm believer of revenge and sabotage. Something I like about myself is that I take strong hold of what I like to call "Princess Mentality". I know when it's appropriate to be a huge bitch. I draw this line when someone thinks they can walk all over me (especially with the pretense that they can do so becuase im a girl), or basically treat me like shit, because I'm motherufckin jlc. Do you even know who the fuck I am? I believe in treating everyone with kindness until they fuck it up. If you want to take it to bitchsville, I can meet you there in 2 minutes. I don't like hanging out in bitchsville. But I don'like going to the grocery store to get toilet paper either so what da fuck yo.

I have to do a paper right now but geoff is djing tonight so it's going to distract me to go down and see him there. Going out is the same thing over and over. I have no friends at these things So I always end up entertaining my own mind.

I found two songs hidden in this file that I totally forgot about and it is sweet and I am going to build on them next week. They are too light right now tho .

I need some more time to myself right now I think.

I am going to the store to get coca cola and some chocolate becuase I have bitchsville PMS.

FUck you

7:42 pm - 12.09.06


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