vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



I had looked forward to having a pleasant quiet morning on my porch today. A morning that is not rushed and where I maybe even have some extra time to read before having to go about and do my daily things. However, my alarm didn't turn off. I had somehow in a sleepy daze moved the switch from auto to off, which is a hard thing to do semiconsciously, considering the mechanics of this particular clock. A rushed bubble bath is apointless bubblebath. I listened to some records and got ready. I saw a deer with a baby fawn in the field about 20 metres away. They come out every morning.

Left to see Bernice in kingston. I took the highway with this truck and it was pretty funny.

Got there, and it was great. This place I went to was her dad's new wife's place, who is a loaded mortgage city person in love with the farm life. Their farm is like a palace. They own beautiful acres of land, coutnless chickens, ducks, a beautiful brown horse, a beautifuller white horse, a donkey, 6 bunnies, and a bunch of other shit. Moutains, hills, ponds, sauna, pool, hot tub, built in brick bbq, weird flaoty chairs, everything. For some reason her mom loves me, I think predominantly bedcasue I know my manners and can engage in friendly social skills. Seeing Bernice was great. Boy. She is genuinely the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. If I was sexually attracted to her, I would be gay and marry her. It is the most loving platonic relationship I've been in and could ever ask for. We love like LOVE each other. She is so funny and was feeding all these animals and showed me her new ducks. I got to hold one in my hand. Shes getting kind of into this life because her dad has been plunged into it by new-wife. We are not farm girls. I live on two overlapping farms but my family is responsible for neither and bernice lived in the city all her life. We hate bugs and wash our hair on a daily basis . Recently she is relaly getting into it though, and is falling in love with these horses like any girl with a pet. They are the most beautiful creatures Ive everseen. It's kind of lame to be in love with horses, because you know, girls into horses? We all know the types. The name Janet makes me think of this girl from my elementary school, who apaprently one of my friends went into her bedroom and she had collaged the back of her door with pictures of horses. Her regular tshirt had a horse on it. Her head was shaped like a horse's. but anyway, there's just something about their bone structure that is really triumphant and totally inhuman to the extent that it is almolst incomprehensible to me.

Linda's friends are coming over with their grandkids. Perfect time to leave-- Bernice adn I go to some store and meet two Afghani women living in a barn in this totally desolate area. The one escaped her abusive husband in the military. Apparently he is back now and looking for her. I bought the most beautiful blanket + shams from them that they had made. They were very beautiful women adn also really funny. Bernice and I had these spontaneous side conversations amongst all the chaos around us which I would have travelled oceans to have had. We also decided to take it upon ourselves to have fun with the kids; a little boy 4, and a little girl 6. Im really drawn to children, and tehy really seem to like me also . I guess for that very reason. We drove them around in a tractor and I carried the little boy on my shoulders forever. The little girl was overweight adn I had to carry her when we took them to pet the horses, it hurt like fuck. I'm holding this small child with my life, in between two huge kicking horses, Bernice is like " op! dont back into taht electric fence!" while laughing at me stepping in horse shit. fucking whore! We help the kids eat dinner. they're teh most well behaved chidlren ive seen lately and have a basic sense of manners. When I was young I was very well disciplined. I had to sit at a certain angle, I remember not being able to eat corn in this certain direction, I had to eat it this way, things likethat. My father was very particular. Now I look like kids and they're just a mess. slopping shit all over their shirts. it's a crying shame. I think parents need to revert back in offering kind, gentle, yet very strict disciplinary expectations in etiquette. They are entirely capable. But anyway, I loved these kids. THe little boy was precious.

That's what I like about Bernice a lot. Shes the funnest person, funniest, awesome to party with, to just chill with, but there's more about her and she isnt a typical girl that wnats to go shop or get drunk or high or chill all the time. I can just hang out and have a great time with her family and get to know these good people. It was fantastic. We left together, as I was driving her back to her mom's, and me back to bleleville, thanked linda for the lovely dinner, hugged the children good night and said bye to all the rest of the family. That's my saturday night. Couldnt have asked for anything better.

Good genuine quality times. Happy times.

Came home and matt adn michelle were watching tv in the resting room. We are on better terms now, thankfully. I'm quite freaked out fror the next episode. We had a bit of a talk about a few things but I didn't want to reveal too mucha bout something. She reacted in a way that I feel a lot more comfortable with. It is a bit reassuring.

Tomorrow...... nice morning, reading, maybe some thrift shopping early evening, phone aaron, maybe go to the cinema. I love occasinoally going to see a movie.

This is the life.

2:55 am - 08.06.06


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