vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


stay cool

hjey whats not cool is watching people yhou loved and were close with turning into distanced significant-other-obsessed snobby critical jerks!
thats all im saying.
a lot of that shit has me rolling my eyes lately, but whatever its not my life and im sure glad it aint
love life be fun stay cool

the weekend ruled a lot

allison had a tye die party and my pillow case kind of matches my bed and i didnt think it would. everyones shirts turned out nicer and i wish i had one to wear on tuesday
everyone there was awesome and fun and i had a good tiem and i hope you did too !

lots has been happening. ihvae class in 4 minutes. i have 3 mintues to think of something to say.
i am really tired. im apartment looking and its pretty exciting.

this is a bad entry
i have a movie thing that is overdue but i havent watched it ! i downloaded DEAR FRANKIE. so sad! tHINGS TO DO: make art flyer, talk to josie about that, buy yogurt, organize my folder of random papers, finish .mp3z, draw, watch telelvision, practice piano, think of essay topic, hang out, wear my slippers, hav e ashower maybe, maybe take a nap yeah yeah naps yeah yeah sounds good yeah

times up bye

5:54 pm - 03.20.06


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