vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



ughhhhhh so sickkk

hi im sick but im feeling better!!!! its crazy i recover so quick. but basically yesterday i was, like, dying, apparently i was so out of it that i didnt know i basicallly ralphed my entire digestive system or something. ive been watching a lot of movies though and i could tell you a lot about degrass i though and HOLY school is so chill now. im almost better so yeah and then maybe i can start hanging out with people again

i guess people were knocking on my door yesterday morning at like 1pm to make sure i was still alive, i slept for like..13 hours?????????! wow. i look healthy though, think i'll start going to bed before 4 more often ok???

leanne my roommate who i never ever see surprisngly sent me this card while she thought i was dead, i ahve nothing in common with this girl but she is really sweet and cool and we talk about bras sometimes

that was taken at a reallybad college event i had to work at that i really didnt want to go to. that is pretty cool though she is like the new charisa from my first year. charisa is like...s eriously i lived with herbut i dont even know how to pronounce her name. she lived with her boyfriend so the innis place was a "cover home", which meant she would bring her family into her room at innis every sunday, keep food in her mini fridge to make it looked like she lived there, we would talk to charisa infront of her family and act like we knew who the fuck she was and then her parents left, she left, until the next sunday and we had to do that over again.

what else im goign to bed now i am so excited to seee my mum tomorrow you dont even understnad. you dont udnerstand how annoying i find i that my sister has to bring her boyfriend to all family functions like it is nice to include him but seroiusly this is a woman night ok? goddddd you dont udnerstand. and ig uess she is mad at me or something because i had to cancel on a lunch because i had to cover a 5am-8am shift for someone who had a family emergency who had done me a favour and i needed time to SLEEP. THAT IS ALL! if she is so worried about not having friends and only being iwth her boyfriend she needs to stop getting so hostile and mad over trivial shit like that and be more undrestanding. seriously she went to ssome thanksgiving dinner at her boyfriends on my BIRTHDAY and i totally understood, that is fine because conflicts HAPPENNN. i called her to take her out for dinner and she was totally just like passive aggressive to me on the phone so i was just like you know what, i'll talk to you later and hung up. on top of this, she got mad at me the week before for not getting involved in a family matter that is nietiehr of our business anyway. it is not my job to resolve personal family conflicts of members 2 hours away who are grown adults and can deal with it on their own just because you may feel it to be YOUR obligation! she is realyl stressed because of this retiail job she works but its like you know what i get stressed too but i dont treat other people like shit over it! im just sick of it so i havent talked to her in a few days to make a point basically. its not cool to get angry over trivial stuff!!!! when she wants to come around she will but seriously i think tomorrows dinner will be awkward despite the excitement of seeing my mum. its upets me when these trivial arguments happen why cant everyone just chill and get along and be udnerstnading of one another because we all can't be perfect for one another!! that is the end of my rant thank you ps my sister is a wonderful person that is just an ananoying littled sister rant expressed thoruhg byee

4:07 am - 11.25.05


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