vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


The lure of the senses...

got a pretty nice email from my best friend today. all it was was just her ranting about some person in one of her classes who won't leave her alone for notes she has, it was probably the most random email in the world and she was like "Ok ajmieylnn! i jsut needed to get that out. i love you! jesse broke up with his girlfirend, i dont know why. my mom is being weird i dont know why." and she sent me with it this email i wrote to her inthe beginning of last summer when i was jsut going through this scary weird i-dont-know-what point of my life when i lost like my best friend and someone who i loved more than the fucking world, and im fucking grateful for having the people around me. and just that email while it was just some sort of rant it means a lot to me that she does that, i love just lsitening to her mumble about liek... i don tknow, how much she loves am radio or something. probably one of the best memories was from this summer driving with her, hot hot night, windows down singing that guy who sings with a really deep voice about the wonders of the world. that was amazing! we were giggling like mad! and then kelly menitoned in her thing that like she loves her friends and listed me first and i was just like freaking out. like these are just my friends ive had since grade 8 or something but its like im still blown away everyday and i guess that is how it goes with all of my friends???? i suppose thats porbalby how it goes for everyone's friends, but for me i think its really important to just step back and be like whoa1!! i am really bad at havign "acquaintances"???

man today was just a good day, just mostly hung out with myself. got an email from my mum and i guess shes coming down with my grandma on friday, im getting taken out to a fancy dinner so that means i can wear fancy shoes so im pretty excited.i have a lot of shoes that are really nice and fancy yet that i never really can wear because dresses are usually ugly and going out for me means going out to punk shows or getting a sandwich. anyway that will be cool i love my mom a lot and my grandma is really really really im growing older im more often viewing them sor tof as role models not really in what they do but as like these women who do a lot and care a lot.

i skipped two of my classes today to get this paper done which i think paid off because compensating that time into editing really improved the paper. so i went to that poetry calss or whatever and it was fucking incredible, i found a new mental strategy in getting through the 3 hours. and it always helps when you love it. i guess i was in high school i woudl be a geek right now but i guess in university when you have to work so hard to get even decent marks you are kind of a sucker if you dont love what u do. anyway today we learned about trochaic tetrameter whichis really good for curses and spells and shit, which was pretty cool.

saw thumbsucker, mark works at the theatre and took me which was pretty nice of him, sucha goof that guy. i liked thumbsucker but it htought it would be a nice film and not so much about addiction, i thought it was a nice film about taking refuge in nature, really simply, but everything was really complicated, i prefer the dreamier stuff. rna into mark again when i was getting bday presents for michelle, dude is all over the place all of a sudden, funny guy. reminds meoo fthis funyn old punk guy that hung out with wheniw as younger, bryn's friend named mikey. almsot dated bryn acutally, but i guess my brutal shyness prevented that from hapepnign. probalbly best it didnt'happen though as he would be 29 or something righ tnow and id probably be high on pcp or something in some squat. waht was i talkinga bout??

my favourite newer band for the past like year or so has been ariel pink. he is soo good, listen to his albums

ps benjamin, is all i have to say, major good hits

caught up with some friends tonight, that was also cool. on friday i went to hodas bday party and to the clap, hodas was cool and i didnt really know too many peopel but i got to meet some new nice people and everyone was just pretty awesome and nice, i had a lot of fun. went to clap and it ruled, was pretty hypnotized there. actually wasnt too into the music but i think i was just in a music snob mood at the time. someone relaly improatnt to me asked me something that blew my mind away and to be hoenst ive been glowing pretty much ever since, like al the time. i would even jsut simply just consider myeself lucky to have them in my life. the night was good.

been busy with school fro the past... 4 weeks, something major due every week so its been nuts but now its calming down a bit, i just need to stay on top of shit and then i wont have to be a hermit or anywhtigng.g. anyway i am having a lot of fun here in big city toronto and i really miss my friends in belleville but toronto is definitely the place for me. bernice is coming down soon i think and kelly is coming down dec first-y. im giving andre girl advice and stuff im trying to set him up with laura even though they both live in ottawa right now, im encouraging him and preparing him mentally trying to make him work up the guts, they would make a godo couple, but i should take my own advice!
here is a cpiture !! hima nd laura would make pretty babies probably

just my opinino

im cool with life
and now its time to have good dreams

3:09 am - 11.22.05


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