vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


moms are important

i had the most bizarre dream last night.
i don't think i've ever dreamt of having sex with someone, or at least can't remember one where i have. anyway it's sweet when this happens with someone who you actually would have sex with, and when it is amazing sex, and you wake up thinkign "wow." about this person, when you don't even really know them at all in the first place. it's hilarious. i've been in a really funny mood all day thinking about it from time to time.
let's not pull a leslie thomson, though.
i mean, i'll picture their face and think "i had sex with you." but the reality is that i did not. and it really is unfortunate, i must say.
if i could make any film, i'd make a film like un vraie jeune fille.
i personally think sex is just amazing in general. as if i'd talk any further about this.

i find myself extremely energetic lately, particularly in the early mornings. i have acted as michelle's alarm clock for the past two days and today i awoke her laughing, laughing at her ringlets.

today i received an email indicating that i am on the waiting list for my preferred living conditions next year, being innis in toronto. this really got me thinking about the possibility of having my own apartment, so i'm not upset about this waiting list business at all anymore. innis is queeen fucking elite. first year, it's elite in terms of academics, and second year it's elite in terms of res life contribution. my contributions have been not outstanding, but definitely significant, so i am therefore appealing my status. none of my roommates got in, because we are amazing, except emily who is some representative for the res so obv she is going to get first dibs. i was hoping i wouldn't come out of this hating innis to death, but it looks like that's the way it's gonna be. it's good to know that i'm not alone, although i think joanne and alice will be commuting if they do not get into this. i may have to find some sort of stranger-roommate, which hopefully will work out well? who cares. as long as they are quiet.
maybe i'll live in a hotel.
there's a joy to every bummer.

i visited my baby cousins last night, they are down from ottawa with their parents. there is a new baby in the family, and the toddler always gets neglected, so i played with him. he's nearly three years old and all he ever wants to do is backward somersaults, throwing toys at walls, and singing at the top of his lungs. i join him in all activities, fully able and willing.

i am having a really big problem / boy troubles right now--> i am TERRIFIED of meeting geoff's mom. i don't know WHY I AM, but holy shit. i was near to praying to god that she would not be home last time i was there. and she wasn't and i kept saying to geoff "ok! let's go! let's go!" before going to the radio show. and he was all "aw but we still have like a half-hour though! come here!" and he tries to hug me and i say in mid-embrace: "we have to go! we have to go now. let's go. come on. go go go. you and me. yeah? ok. ok good. come on." he kept laughing and asking me why i was in such a hurry and i never told him why, simply because it's so ridiculous! i have no idea why i am being like this.
i know that it's going to happen soon and i really should be the one to try to meet her considering i've been going out with her only son for nearly a year. i can tell you now, i am going to be so nervous.
what if she hates me!!!!!? what if she hates everyone? everything has to go perfectly. i am scared guys./ moms are important. i got film developed, so many. i have the funniest one of geoff. he is in one of my bras so i can't show it to you guys, i'm sorry.

11:21 pm - 05.21.04


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