vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


traume mit mir

Music: the fall- "oh! brother"

so funny: i'm sick!!!!!!!! and i need to catch up on readings, write a very important paper, do laundry, get groceries (done), get my hair cut!!, and i have a party that I have to go to and look happy at tomorrow night!!!!!!! AT MY HOUSE. all the little Innis geek freaks are gonna be there. we only invited the ones that aren't so bad. my sickness isn't too bad. i stocked up on vitamins / sinus pills. i think this was a mixture of the emotional stress i had been going through last week, shitty air circulation, all those early mornings/late nights, and all those interactions with people's dirty, dirty, dirty germs. from now on, stay away from me

the only downside to living here is that everyone is a fucking genius and i therefore always lose at boggle.

geoff is being a sweetheart, bringing me dinners and being daring enough to give me hugs in my big ol ugly frumpy sweaters &cat pants, and doing funny dances to make me laugh :(
gigi + cici = BFF

i'm currently a frump master

b. talks in german to me

i haven't talked to my parents about going back to europe this year yet. i'm going to email my mom about that. she's the one that encourages me and gives me flyers and information.
i think she's living her dream through me
i think i could manage to go back to winners for a couple months, and then the remaining month that i'm back

there are lots of sirens going off right now, what's happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so delerious!!!!!!!!!!! i bought some dvd today, i dont' even know what it is . all i know is that it ain't steve martin

i don't feel like talking about my life. most of what i have to say is stuff that shouldn't be written in a thing liek this
there have been some crazy things going on

there's a good show on feb 14.


5:34 pm - 01.21.04


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