vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



so hey now. i remember seeing on tv in blvl that conan obrian is coming to toronto. maybe this is over, maybe it is coming up?? if it is coming up, i expect that i will be to at least one episode. i will be the one standing up in the audience going "awww conan! that was the best man!", slapping my hand on my knee at every joke. you know?? he is funny!!!!

i am thinking about purchasing a video camera. a fisher price pxl-2000 camcorder to be exact. they go for like $100-$400, depending on where i can find one. hopefully at buy the pound one day. ONE DAY. they don't make them anymore i guess but i found one, i have to decide if i want to pay that price or chance it and wait for a better one to come along

this summer i am about 70% on the yes side of going either to france, or hong kong. i'm just reluctant to go without someone i know.

i just saw a really good film called elephant at bloor cinema tonight, it's based on the columbine shootings but it's not distasteful or glorified at all, considering the situation. i hate reviews and i hate reviewing, so all i want to say is that it's good and i am going to stop there. i also saw this japanese film called the audition by takashi miike. it is the most disturbing/fucked up thing i have ever sene in my life. at the end the girl saws off the guy's legs and puts acupuncture needles in his eyes while laughing saying "deeper! deeper!", giggling. it's one of those confusing "a dream within a dream within a dream, and we have no idea what the reality is" kind of thing i expected something different from takashi miike

in the past two weeks, i have broke 5 glasses. i don't know what's wrong with me, everywhere i turn, i am bumping into drinking glasses or they slip out of my hands. they break all over the place!!! as ryan says, "get a hold of that shit"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

K I AM SCARED NOW. this is hilarious because i just stopped writing in this to get a glass of water, and while i was there, i just BROKE ANOTHER FUCKING GLASS. 6/8 this is getting way too weird and i think i am going to retire from glass everything soon

i need to start doing my readings
i need to stop buying shoes
i need to get my haircut
i need to have a veggie samosa
i need to say some things
i need to sleep

2:06 am - 01.12.04


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