vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



music: blonde redhead

i read something i really shouldn't have. he says maybe you don't want to read that and i insist because the curiosity is killing me. i read about 3 sentences &that was enough. i suddenly get up and tell him i have to go. he asks me what is wrong and i tell him i have to go, i am about to vomit all over you. i have to go i have to go now ok. he says i will walk you home i say i want to be left alone. i want to throw up. who are you. these words mean nothing to me any longer. he tells me let's talk through this i tell him i have nothing to say and i run across the street. i look behind and he is following so i keep running and running and running and then he is finally gone.
i will not be just another member on the hall of fame.

"Yes I am an ugly and worthless thing, too" is to make merely one of a thousand subversive replies to the spread of commodity relations.
They're buying your happiness, steal it
Play without shackles
I came in the cobblestones
I take my desires for reality because I believe in the reality of my desires
Run for it, the world is behind you

2:49 am - 01.11.04


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