vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



Music: The Smiths, Is it really so strange?

There is nothing more comforting than to come home and stuff yr face with fucking RED GRAPES (FAV FOOD! HELLO!), and then FANCY ROOTBEER.

So, I worked boxing day in the fitting room with Hez. One girl tried on like 42 items altogether, gave them all back inside out. I wanted to shoot myself. Hez told me stories about her husband wearing thongs. It was terrifying.

Today i did a little shopping.
Something about getting new underwear makes me feel quite good
I went to the fabric store and I hated everything!! We have such shitty fabric here. And all the ladies who work there strut around like they're such hot shit in the fancy little suits they made ofr themselves with buttons fucking everywhere they could possibly fit them. Fuck.

I am going to go to a thrift store and look for material to use there. I was in one today, some girl kept following me around, picking out all the things i was looking at right behind me. It was funny so I went to the shoe part to see if she would follow me, and she did. I almost bought a polaroid camera there today, and then i thought "Wait? Why do I want this piece of shit?" and then set it back down. Sometimes I just have to tell myself that.
I also almost got my hands on a sweet pair of shoes, they are gold and pointy w kitten heels for two dollars, but they were also the teensiest bit too small for me :( :(. i'm sure i wouldn't wear them anyway.

I think I'm having a heartattack right now. It should be fine later.

My sister came down and then had to leave on the 25th at night, so that was shitty.
I don't know what I'm doing for new years, I'm thinking maybe I should get some babysitting action and be a real hotshot and charge like $18/hr.
I bet someone is having a party, but to be honest, I don't really care about new years and I don't really care about parties. Just about eating.
That's why I'm majorly excited for a lobster dinner and don'twannna tell anyone.
I also quite like gettign drunk once in awhile

So, it was my grandmother's seventy-first birthday on the 23rd, and we had a big dinner for her of course. She plays percussion in a band called the Stringalongs, and they are going to record soon. Yeah you heard. ANd I'm serious.

I ran into Jordan yesterday, my FIRST boyfriend from the sixth grade, which lasted about one and a half weeks. I TRULY liked his best friend, Michael. kaha
Anyway, it was nice to talk to him and it's funny to hear how he talks now and to hear him have a sense of "responsibility." It was actually bordering GEEKY, dare i say. It's unfortunate, because I liked him as a badass more.

Last night I got a phonecall from Geoffrey. and that was really funny. I couldn't stop laughing because I was so happy to hear his voice. I SEROIUSLY FREAKED OUT OVER IT FOR 10 minutes.
i don't know why!! we just kept laughing!
i haven't seen him since the twelfth! I miss him :(

I have to go phone marcelle now.

I feel nauseous! :( <---


wayne told my mom that i am always so happy. i think he's kind of right.

7:14 pm - 12.27.03


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