vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



i saw my two beloveds the other night, marcelle and meghan<3
we went to a show that was in the name of our friend cam who died
saw dave, andre, charles, mike, hung out with them.
the show got sucky fast. people talked about cam like they knew him when cam himself had told me about how much he hated them. haha. it sort of made me sick. we all left early because it just wasn't a happy place. we all went out to eat and had appetizers and drinks (virgin ones for me, foryourinformation, because i was driving, thankyouverymuch). GOT MEGHAN DRUNK.
also, i thought it would be funny to blast rap music in my car and speed up beside marcelle, you know, and totally live that True Teenaged Bar Hopper Blvlian "I-Drive-Around-The-Block-In-Circles-Millions,Billions-Of-Times-Until-I-Pick-Up-Girls-With-My-Mainstream-Rap-Music .. on FULLBASS!" Boy Experience. THANKS. meghan loves driving with me, she says.
i got home at three am and had to work 7am the next day. congratulations, fuckbrain.

&the other night we rented that new johnny depp (or should i say.. keith richards?!?!) movie, pirates of the carribean. i am not ashamed to admit that i enjoyed it thoroughly. and was thoroughly scared throughout the whole thing. thoroughly. the skeleton scenes?! jesus! i was all "and this is DISNEY?!?!?! holy FUCK!". meghan and i are also pros at pointing out glitches in movies. lazy, lazy, lazy glitches. SIGH IT'S A SHAME, REALLY
i laughed and gasped throughout that whole thing!!!!! marcelle said "nice commentary jamie!!!" at the end :( :( :(
i got into it. i loved that shit when i was younger. pirates and treasures and adventures and indiana jones and sherlock holmes and CRAP like that. and guess what, STILL DO. so FUKC YOU.

i got really nice underwear today and i feel quite accomplished because of that. also a sweater. that too.

i brainstorm ideas for drawings tonite.
my sister comes home tomorrow so it will be nice to have some company here. i'm keeping busy with work and all. if i iddn't work right now, i would be a very sad girl.

i miss a few people a lot lot lot.
my mom said "guy" today. "get going, guy!" as she was telling a car to move. ugh

i just got home from being in kingston for awhile.
i got g some fucking AWESOME gifts for xmas. i got 2 today. we have a $$ limit cuz we are poor but i have served my limit well. ....umm.. beyond well
ok, so i went a teeeeesny bit OVER... eek. but maybe i will just make ridiculously fake cheap price tags?!?! and then he will never know! MUAHA!

he is pretty much the glue that holds us together, i have discovered.
our wedding is may first, 2016.

anyway, kingston was good and brian remembered me. there is this cute picture up in his record store of him holding his cat looking all happy, surrounded by records thrown all around him. i wanted to steal the photo just cuz it was so cute. his cat died last year :( it was on one of those iv things and everything at one point before incident
ANYWAY he is awesome and sold me my first slits record.
i saw bernice in the distnace. what's with WHENEVER i go to kingston to get shit done (i had to find presents for some people FAST and then leave to get home) i run into bernice and it looks so bad that i'm not like "hey i'm coming to kton let's hang out!"
well, she didn't see me so i guess it doesn't matter
she was with a whole bunch of guys, she is blonde, it is weird
we are not on very good terms, and it doesn't have to be.
i'm just not very good at keeping in touch with people and she takes it personally which is shitty cuz i love her. this can be applied to paul as well. i really need to smarten up in that department.

i'm feeling kind of good because i have a few days off for myself and then xmas is here and then the ultra dreaded boxing day (retailers of the world unite day) and then new years and then FINALLY back home <3

i bought film to take photos when i get back. i'm excited. i am NOT making photography a habit becuase it is the most expensive thing EVERRR. and meghan tried teaching me about aperture and all that but it just seemed too easy, so i don't think i fully get it. but i will have fun for easy polaroid automatic shit for a week or two maybe.

i also miss europe. i think of it daily.
i am going to new york city this summer, it is nearly confirmed! excited! me! i want my next trip after that to be sweden, russia, finland, all around there. ALL AT ONCE

i just watched but i'm a cheerleader again and i'd like to vote the beginning of that movie the best ever. i don't know what song is that plays in the beginning, but i will DMAN WELL FIND OUT

10:03 pm - 12.22.03


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