vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


who needs punctuation when you have--> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s!!!!!

i'm sad :( :( :(:(:(
i'm watching some lame cooking show alone, listening to amazing music knowing that i can probably never be in a band because i am BROKE. FOREVER. i want an easy job in toronto that takes only like 3 hours of my time and pays me 100$/hr!!!!!!! tell me!

i have a hot date with meghan soon!!! i don't know when/why./how and i haven't discussed it w/ her but she knows it subconsciously! don't you meghan! yeah girl, you do! yes! anyway it will be total super awesome. i have dates with a few other people! you know who you are!

ps. c. ainn't so bad afterall!!!

i am going to stela geoffrey's gossip tshirt!!!! yes, i mean STELA!!!! ya he left it at my house and when he wasn't there i tried it on and it surprisingly fit me and i paraded around in it (SHHH!H!!!!) but maybe i will just get one for myself. how great! is that! he practically lives at my house. i dont think my roommates like him very much, he isjust sometimes a mixture of shyness and periodic snobbiness. apparently nick called him "catty". yes he can be a snob but never with me cuz he knows i'll cut his head off :(:(:(
actually, yah. he has been a snob once and i told him "it's over, leave my house"! ahahah. and then he cried

today i got up for work at 6am and it was PITCH BLACK outside.
i hate my black hair i feell like a vampire!!!!!!!!!! i am getting a hair cut!!!!!! SOOON, OH GOD! anyway, the day was good and well and amazing-awesome-wow! debbie hires such weird people. i suppose that's an insult(/compliment) to myself, but honestly, fucking terisa?!?!?!?! terisa has NO eyebrows and reminds me of that vampire thing in that movie that johnny depp is in, you know?!??! or is it hannibal that i'm talking about?? what am i talking about again? i forget. oh yeah. well, JAMES makes up for it!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE JAMES. my mom taught him in high school once and when he found out who i was he was like "omg you are ms. christie's daughter!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR MOM!" same happened for this other girl..
you know. it's tough becoming friends with people and them relaizing that i'm the daughter of that bitch teacher they hated. except, they love her. and it's like "SHE"S MY MOM, NOT YOURS."
you know?! stop stealing my mom away!

and it turns out that i did so well on my soc test!! SHIT!

when is another show happenigng? lets get some more cinecycle stuffs. IF I KNEW PEOPLE, I WOULD SET UP SHOWS. WAIT PROBABLY NOT. LAST TIME I INVOLVED MYSELF WITH ANY OF THAT BULLSHIT, FUCKING FEMME FATALE BOY BROKE HIS LEG OR SOME EXCUSE. if they weren't so nice in dealing with, i would hate all of them. old blvl shows used to be just like cinecycle shows :(

i didnd' tknow hot hot heath were playing! i'm sad that i missed them, i always wanted to throw ice cream on them or set their hair on fire somehow someway:(:(:(:(
geoff and i deliberately hide their albums behind def leppard albusm cuz we hate them :( then we giggle and run away! superior!

yesterday i drew and read a lot. i have so much to do in these next couple of weeks.

i am going to a precious blvl show soon. little bram's little brother is putting on a show! this is MONUMENTAL!!! for the past 5 years, at every undergroudn show i have been to in blvl (like once a week), there has been this like 8 year old kid hiding in the corner and everyone always yelled "bram's little brother! hhaaa" he just stood there and let all the crazy bands corrupt his brain and one day he blew and started setting up shows, now at the tender age of, like 13!! and peter was 16! and i was seventeen!

oh blvl<3 i am getting used to being home now. i had a major weirdo experience coming back here! whoa.

i saw tons of my high school friends today. yay! i almost cried i was so happy! i really missed them all a lot when i was in toronto. i missed having friends and knowing people haha.
omg so many people gained weight! it's pretty awesome! RHEA got totally healthy-looking!!! girl! (unfortunately, i don't htink it's that she discovered non-throwing up her food as a form of "eating", but i think it's more she discovered her ability to consume excessive amounts of alcohol.)
apparently i lost weight, my mom says in my face which is GREAT cuz my cheeks are sooo CHIPPY but that's just the way i AM, oK!?!?!?!? that's the way i am! don't try to change me ok!!!! yeah but i put on my old black work pants and i felt like mc hammer in those things. jesus. it's from all that walking and healthy eating! who knew! it works!

i saw my beloved arjun as well. so many people are looking so good lately.

anyway. time to go. i miss geoffrey.

11:22 pm - 12.17.03


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