vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



OMG EMERGENCY EDIT: i am voted best artist of the day on art conspiracy!!!!!!!!!! HAHAH!!!

ps i just checked my email and i got one from this man i met in spain like SIX MONTHS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK. the one from israel that i met in a bar in madrid on marcie's birthday and told me i looked like sheryl lee from twin peaks. we had drinks together while alex made an ASS out of herself



this is like my favourite photo i've ever taken. haha. my baby.

last night i went to a show
it was relatively good, except for a couple bands......

the first one kicked my ass in that BAD kind of way. i sort of wanted to die by the time all of their songs were half done. the one guy kept swinging his arms around and i was just waiting for him to unintentionally hit me in the face.. then there'd be some REAL damage. YOU WANT DANCE? I'LL SHOW YOU DANCE [POW]
(i say these things but i probably would've just stood there)
at first it was kind of funny, but then it just got too random and geeky for me. they would be ok if they tightened up their songs and made em shorter. and calmed down a little. watching them made me tired.
and also the guy in the red shirt reminded me of my ex.

the one after that i don't even know what happened
geoff gabe michelle and i went to get pizza at mama's. i was in serious pure pizza heaven. anad i remember talking a lot.

geoff got drunk off a mickey of vodka the night before and was throwing up the whole day. ummm sorry i don't feel sorry for you. i didn't think very highly of that at all, thought it was pretty fucking flakey actually. i don't understand why he hangs out with that d-name guy. if you don't like someone, why hang out with them? don't get it.

i felt antisocial the whole night. i don't like someone depending on me to be with them at shows, i like to do my own thing.

m met c and that's really fucking weird. she was like "ohh i met this awesome guy" and describes him. he sounds familiar. oh what's his name i ask. she says c. i guess c was there. he phoned me today. i guess we are gonna hang out in january.

anyway, aids wolf = fucking amazing the singer grabbed onto my leg and it was the highlight of my night. i have seen her old band and i like her better without guitars
she should've played that pantomime up a long time ago
one particular song kicked my ass, in a good way. i would be happy to see them get big
gooo aids wolf
one day, i will go crazy.

bush league = ?????!!!! i don't know! that guy is a clown.

sick lipstick were good but the 2nd guitar guy in the back ruined it. he looked bored and not wanting to be there. i dig the decorations, i dig drummer masks, and i dig climbing over chairs and keyboards. i dig stuffed animal snakes, and i dig holiday lights. they were good.

i saw/talked to james last night, he's such a sweetheart. his brother must be the evil one. talked to joie today. we are cancelling on the study session. who wants a study session? not me.

i talked to my parents tonight and it was a pretty good conversation
actually. i kind of sort of miss them.

i'm blank and boring right now.
i can't have conversations with people because i have australopithecines and cercopithcines and platyrrhines and catyrrhines stuck in my head. ahhhhh. i bet i'll fail this piece of shit

my roommates just came and asked me if we can take pcitures with my camera.
no. fuck off. aw.
i am corrupting them with my late night aerobicide ways.

and i noticed that alice has been using my cheese for the whole week. without asking. AND IT"S MOZZARELLA. that aint right
oh well. now i get to steal her cakes

exam on tuesday.
can't fucking WAIT to get it over with.

fuck. i am a workaholic.
if i'm gonna spend time at doing something (ie. school), i'm going to do it fucking good. i am terrified of being unsuccessful.

if you've ever read get in the van, it's exactly like that. it's like a black flag show. tired? gulp it down and tough it out. never half-assed anything.

but this isn't the way i want to go about doing it, i would love to be working this hard at my own chosen curriculum
while talking to james last night, i couldn't distinguish whether i liked/hated university. i thought i had an idea, but i really couldn't answer any of his quesitons without ambiguity.
the way it works is so fucked up.

so i decided that i hate university. but it's what i need to do to get where i want to be. i'm just trying to beat it. the thing is, ian and i were talking last night and i don't know what i want to do. film has always been my dream thing. (MAKING, NOT THEORY. BARF.) but i'm not 100% on that. documentary film. ahhhhhhhhhhh god i would love to do that. anyway.

and then you look at shit like quotas and realize what the real world is all about. it's all for myself. &i think it's absolutely hilarious. just like steve martin.

ps i like all the hands.

11:35 pm - 12.07.03


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