vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


The Insect That Preys Upon The Life of The People


i have decided to think with my non-existent dick, spread my legs out as far as they can go when i sit down, and make out with ladies. i will say "hey man" a lot and dominate class discussions and establish distinctive secret handshakes with all those i hold so very dear to me. acknowledge that hips are fun.

also, we send love signals with our lamps to floor 6 on the opposite tower and they respond with much love. and also to that also, i just told my story about the projectile lip stuff teacher to my sistermates and it was a hit.

i need to do laundry and i have no food. i went to the grocery store today and for some reason it didn't feel like i was meant to be grocery shopping at that moment, so i left. who leaves the grocery store empty handed? weirdos. firemen were standing outside, a gas pipe was leaking, and one of them finished smoking his cigarette and tossed it on the sidewalk.

g's bday sunday, a special day. slumber party, cake, cookies, presents, thai, laughylaughs, sassysass, jumping on ian's bed and kicking his filthy shit all over the place like nobody's business. like nobody's business.

books are good, i have started a zine, i am into sunglasses, i got 2 pairs of shoes for $4, and i will be 19 years old when i write again.

9:26 pm - 10.06.03


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