vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


The city's burning burning

music: black eyes!

ok seriously i am spending way too much money. things things things, i need to stop it with them. so i declare august spend nothing month, and september as well, unless it's the erase errata show and/or food. i really fucking need to save up for school and somehow i have reached an all time low in my savings account
i don't think i got paid one week, it's so weird.. anyway. i'm a little concerned, that's all
i hate money

today at work i was teased and poked
in a good way! laughy laughs

my weekend was good.
i went to toronto to see sinking body, chinese stars, les georges leningrad, and the locust and got back on sunday night.
my train getting there was delayed, i didn't know how long it would be delayed, so i had to stay in the station until it came. turns out i spent 4 hours staring at the same ten people in the same dirty box of a station. doesn't sound tiring at all, but shit it was exhausting. and before that, i had to drive my dad to work for 6.30am and went to work and like frantically drove to the station.
gah turns out somebody jumped infront of the train in kingston so they had to recover all the body parts and shit.
meat grind.
then, it was delayed AGAIN because of a freight train. and that's when i freaked out. it is recorded on michelle's answering machine.
i just wanted to get away from the deaf man screaming at the pay phone, waving his arms around every 10 minutes. or the 'crazy' lady who kept rocking back and forth, creepily smiling the WHOLE time, or the obese child kicking the vendingmachinerepetedlyyyyyomgi don't want to remember!!!
so as a result i was late meeting my sister, and jackie & trevor
i felt bad for making everyone wait, but i JUST made the show and i suppose things could have been much worse.

word of advice: if you ever wanna kill yrself, don't jump infront of a via train. it makes a huge mess, and people won't care that yr dead, they'll just be pissed that their schedules are fucked up
thank you


sinking body: boring.

chinese stars: one of the best bands i have heard live. i even think i like them wayy better than aor
i wish i brought my camera cuz i was in an AWESOME spot, but it is expensive and i enver wanna take it anywhere
i wanna jump in the singer's head. i wonder where he's been and what he does. i think he's sexy yet incredibly unattractive at the same time

les georges leningrad: ok hi i LOVED them. i thought the girl with the dark hair was awesome, she did this really cool thing with her voice that sounded so good. they aren't that good recorded though. at first when they came out, i was thinking it was too gimmicky, with the pie and the costumes (or fake pie? i think it was just whipped cream on a plate. ghetto pie.) and all, but they started playing and i was totally into it. it was very hola!deathprom and brought back memories of laura
there was also a fucker there who kept heckling
he asked me if i had a cigarette. i just kinda glared at him and said "NO." fuck off.
and it wasn't even potentially funny heckling, it was just "uhhhh fuck you" and trying to grab the girl like he was some drooling retard
the blonde singer spit on him many times, this makes them 3498x better


the locust: blah. they were good and really tight, but not crazy enough. for the music they have going for them, they can really play that shit UP. if i were in a band that tight and insane. i'd be going NUTS on stage. eventually they got boring. and i had to stand on my tippy toes just to see their heads. some guy came up to me and said "i saw you on the subway train!" and it was funny because i remember us looking at each other and we were like "HEYY!!"
buddies for life, brought together by subway trains
saw jeff there, michelle's "EX-PASSIONATE LOVER," he was drunk and kind of freaky

les georges' merch is great
i had limited cash on me, but i got a little poster, a little tshirt, and a little 7"
i liked the locust's tshirt design but decided to support a band i liked more and had women in it and were smaller and probably needed the cash more
oh i got a button too
it's a bird eating a human arm
the merch guy was cute and kept saying "thank you"
i wanted to pinch his cheeks

the show was wicked
seriously, one of the best eversss. i am just kicking myself for not getting chinese stars though. (i'll download it. shhh.)

i saw paul there but he was with some peeps and i didn't want to interrupt????

trevor and jackie are babes and their friend is hilarious

saturrrdayyy i slept in really late and went shopping here and there
music i got:
- black eyes. this is honestly THE best fucking album i have heard in a really long time. they are a good fucking band. i just heard them in the store and i asked what was playing and i got it. I LOVE THEM
- lightning bolt first lp on cd
- death from above (don't like it that much, but it's good, maybe i don't like them cuz they're popular and everyone knows them and i find it annoying? who knows)
- les georges leningrad full length NOTHING compared to their live show they're very theatrical, their set was almost like a play. and i'm sorry but the drummer is sexy

people at rotate were being nice.
the tall guy and i talked for about ten minutes, i thought he was really nice, enver talked to him before
we both thought the locust set was kind of boring

i got a sweater and rad underwear.
then michelle, jackie and i were gonna go to a breakdancing show and just the thought of taking an $8 bus there wasn't appealing
i was informed of this last minute, therefore we told the girl last minute that we weren't going.
that's what happens. haha. i'll see breaking another time.
instead we went to java and hung out.
that was really nice, i think i needed a chill night to relax and eat fruit and talk to lovely people.
i NEVER see jackie so it was awesome to hang out
michelle was tired from work so we went home rather early which was a bummer.
we just went back to her place and listened to one of my new albums and went to bed.
i had THE worst sleep ever, i was tossing and such. i think michelle was getting mad, so i prayed for dear life that she wouldn't freak out!!! ahh!

the next day i went with her into work and we walked by nick and tach and it was really awkward/
seemingly ex-friends of michelle's
so that day i spent a lot of dough and got some clothes
i also got this amazing andy warhol book. it's a HUGE book, hardcover and i got it for like $15 which is awesome it's all of his drawings (no screenprints or anything), they're really cool
i'm glad i found it

i bought michelle this awesome little stawberry mousse cake for having me, i hope that it was good cuz it LOOKED good and boy did i have to hold back to not scarf that puppy down

the train home was good. no delays!!

my mom got back from b.c. much later that night, it was nice to see her, but to be honest, and i know this sounds bad, but i hardly knew that she was gone. haha. i've been so busy working.
thankfully, my parents are gone for 2 weeks. they left this morning to florida. how great is that!??!
i'm going to geoff's tomorrow and then we're coming around these parts
lots of driving
i think i may take him to kingston on friday
can't WAIT to see him!
i have so many things to do before tomorrow, there is like no time.
i have to go out for groceries tonite.
we have like NO food! and clean and do laundry.

i almost got in a car accident today.
i also saw aaron and it was wonderful.

oh, i talked to a girl in toronto at that tshirt making store on queen about what i want to do and she suggested like iron-on tranfers and shit, she doesn't know what she's talking about

ok must go bye i love you

5:39 pm - 07.22.03


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