vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



I think�Geoff and I are getting coffee later today but I don't really feel like going. I feel hungover and it seems so cold out. I look like crap and would rather be a troll in a cave.

Yesterday was my last time at practicum. I wrote a little theatre presentation for my kids from found quotes and passages, because that was my assignment to them in the last week. Their productions were amazing. Being a teacher is kind of stressful putting it all together and even at the final product you get really stressed out whether it's going to come together or not. Anyway, they lovved my presentation. I did evaluations for them for me next. That class was great.. a kdi wrote that he was "inspired" by my script! I put in some Gossip, Strindberg, Black Sabbath, Tupac, otehr shit. It was pretty funny. I put in some spice girls and I think some other stuff.

The other class I was doing a lesson on the Black Panthers in the middle but I didn't have time for it because I had a meeting. Here's Angela Davis, see you later! I gave them my evaluations. I was kind of sad to go in all honesty. I know we all say it but am I actually really ecstatic that I no longer have to do this kind of awkward uncomfortable teaching?
The couple things I need to work on is classroom management and... I think I could have better speaking skills. My ATs say that I'm good and seem really comfortable but I would be cool with being a better public speaker. There's always room for improvement.

At the end of the day this girl Alexa, who i've been helping every lunch and after school, knocked on the office door and gave me this gift of avon cream samples, haha, and a diet coke because we once had a conversation abot my love for diet coke but how bad it is and this was her granting my "last one." In the present was a purple pen "because it'syour favourite colour" (i must have told her?) and she included a card with a letter. Attached to the card was a small piece of paper with my name on it in my handwriting. She said it was the first time we met. How cute is that!! She said that I was her favourite out of all her student teachers. The whole thing was probably the cutest damn thing in the world. I hugged her and I felt bad for not having anything for her! What are the politics of that? I feel like I should give her a book, or something. We talked about typewriters. I could give her a polaroid camera i'm no longer using because she loves old cameras. I think it's probably best to not, but how cute!

The end of the day, John Joao Marta and a bunch of us, all of us, went to red room to drink our fucking faces off. Marta is hilarious and has the driest sense of humor ever. John and Joao are cuties and engaged. Kristina I dont like but she likes to drink I guess so she has that going for her.
Anyway it was the funnest time ever. We stuffed our faces, got pitchers of beer, shots, sangria, mixed drinks, you fucking name it and we fucking drank it. We got nachos, pita, sandwiches, fries, oh my. We ate it. It was fun. I am sad to no longerbe able to hang out with them. It would be fantastic to work together in a school but who knows. I will miss them a lot. It was really wonderful to share the experience with these cool people. They are also all fucking smart. Most high school teachers, except the really fucking bad ones and mom-ish types, are cool smart hilarious people. You kind of will die in the profession if you are not. That is something that I realized I think. Unless I got lucky.

I have a bunch of shit I have to do
- finish marking
- re-write my lesson plans in formal form
- work on my portfolio.. find nicer paper, find some nice typefaces and other ideas
- find a nice binder or something of the sort
- work on journals (i think?) for school.

And that's it for teaching shit.

What else to talk about?
It's saturday late afternoon and I have the house to myself which is really nice. I made french toast today and I think I will be making some banana bread later. I may try to get my marking done tonight so I can relax on Sunday and Monday. I work best at night!

I also would like to write some lyrics, find some new music (i need some new ones) , figure out how to download shit on my computer????? webdav password what the fuck???

i also wouldnt mind having some sort of chocolate somethin. for dinner i may have butternut squash soup, which i fucking am obsessed with right now, and potatoes. i could eat potatoes foreva.

3:57 pm - 11.22.08


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