vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



umm is it just me or is that picture of crystal castles getting totally annoying. i have a bunch of those sorts of people on my facebook, like clubby toronto social circa looozas, i keep on seeing that fucking picture of crystal castles for every show that they do or are involved in. get a new picture!! you suck!

i am sitting here and had the house to myself last night and magically have it to myself right now!!! i am drinking tea and just had some oatmeal. i am getting awake before i go out, run some errands, pick up a sandwich, and work on my lesson plan. and also my activist assignment which was due yesterday but i'll finish it today. i really want to make it good as it's going in my portfolio. i may polish it up a bit. i also want to get a bit of a start on my portfolio, revise some stuff i've already done and add it in there. i may hold that off though and use some of my off-days in december to focus on my portfolio..

last night i made music and i am learning the learning curve. i just learned this one very essential thing and i'm now basically good to go. i am doing early mortiis type of things. i don't wnat to learn anymore as i don't want to programme much. my last stuff was more programmed because what i was using wasn't advanced enough to follow a lil somethin called human initiative. Human Initiative. so i was a little nervous about using this stuff but it's actually working out the opposite that i had feared, gives me a lot more freedom and it's generally a lot cooler and cleaner. the sound is better which is a problem because i like it to sound messy and lofi but i can just dub it a million times over. kind of like photocopying a typeface.

i spoke too soon about having the plcae to myself abecause ashley and a mystery man just came home. it's 2:30pm and i'm just starting my day... wrong? i'm really only a couple hours behind on the plan i had for today. and i think i'm staying home tonight to get more work done so i dont have to freak out tomorrow about it.

i watched an awesome movie last night called billy the kid. it is not about the old american outlaw but about a 15 year old who is a little off in some un-pick-able way, which ultimaely works to his advantage. because he is a motherfuckin genius. this kid rules. he is obsessed with "protecting women" and struggles with the "demons" of his past. it's pretty funny because he'll be talking about like his dead cat and how he had to ignore his emotions to get through it while his brother is playing around him and then all of a sudden blurts out "STOP HITTING MY BALLS" jsut watch it.

i think over night i incurred some sort of head injury because my mind is totally out of oit. i feel hungover?? maybe because i stayed up so late. i called my parents last night to get it over with. they are so weird. my dad told me that my mom was checking her email multiple times a day to see if i had emailed her about teaching stuff. and it's just like, why don't YOU phone ME? sometimes if i dont call them for 2 weeks (we talk routinely once a week, my phone initiative),my dad gets really pissed and throws a temper tantrum. i dont get why they can't just phone me. they say they don't want to bother me, they dont want to be too invasive. i'm telling you, it would be kind of nice to hear from my fucking parents. it's kind of a shitty feeling to be the one that has to come to them. they are good parents, i think they jsut dont really get the phone shit. the solution is kind of simple. want to talk to me? phone me. end of problem

i amkind of stressing out about money right now because winter is coming. i dont have a proper winter coat, the only coat i do have is ripped in the arm, and i have no proper winter boots. a winter coat and boots is doing to be at least $300. that is a lot of fucking money to me right now. i am stressing out about even being able to afford $33 (or whatever it ends up being?) on weekly metro passes to get to work this month. i feel that the school should provide us with this money, especially if tuition is a whopping 6,000+. i also have to buy groceries today and some shampoo. the thing is i have no qualms about spending money on a sub for lunch, or $7 shampoo, or $2 coffees, maybe i should try. i like my subs and my nice shampoo and my coffees. my subs shampoo coffees make me happy. i mean obviously not but it is kind of part of my routine and sanity. which is really kind of fucked up how products can do that. you get in this routine of buying something everyday and it becomes part of your comfort zone. i was reading an essay last night about how capitalism is different now that it diffuses boundaries and permeates every aspect of social interaction. which i dont exactly get because i think its laways done that but whatever.

i'm tired!

goal for today
- get dressed in casual attire, dress warm for the weather
- get a sandwich
- go to dom and shoppers
- look at magazines, good books
- work on zine?
- activist work
- by 7pm start working on lesson plan
- maybe out for dinner or coffee with people if thathappens prob before that
- work on lesson plan tonight
- maybe stop by ossington tonight for a quick, sober moment
-come home and work on music

2:17 pm - 10.25.08


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