vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



I'm enjoying the little time I have right now alone by myself in my home. I cleaned the kitchen, sometimes I feel like a real neat freak loser. I think what grosses me out is other peoples messes is the only thing about it, or I just am a clean person. I hope it is the latter. I picture living on my own sometimes. I picture it the same way except i'm with a cat and i have cooler / more /some art. I am really happy living here actually. I love my porch and my landlord and my street. I guess I have lived in boring shit holes / residences for so long that I became desensitized to its crumminess. So it makes the taste especially good.

I think right now I'm just making dinner , I'm waiting for it to be done, I'm listening to HUNGER, and then I'll read more Genet who I am really into right now. I found his biography at the bmv for $5, a $60 book, but it seems pretty good so far. He stole a lot. His family abandoned him and he lived in some French commune.

I watched Stand by Me yesterday. I skipped my History class because I had a horrible unbareable migraine. That movie is fucking awesome. River Phoenix is amazing in it. John Cusack sucks in it in my opinion and so does the guy from Star Trek, but their suckiness is kind of genuine at least. Genuineness is a word apparently. I have a mac now, I got a new computer and I have a mac now, and this new thing spell checks everything that you type even in this little diaryland box. "diaryland" is underlined in red. diarylanddiarlynadidairelj . aldjl adslfkj alsdjf lajsd fljasdf. red red red.

Tonight is nuit blacnhe incase you didnt know. I'm not sure what and where I'm going to go. I feel kind of inept with art. It owuld be cool to go to that powerplatn thing but I had to go to the mall. FUNNY. I did, I had to go to the mall. I got jeans and a hair clip and a lil something for geoffs birthday.

Last night it was geoffs birthday party so I met up with everyone at 10ish. Geoffs friends danny and jordan where there who I really like so it was fun.Sometimes I feel like I kind of get along more with guysthan I do girls. Which isnt true but sometiems I feel that way. Anywa it was cool. Geoff got wasted out of his pants. Litearlly.

red lines all over the place!!!!

Today I took it chill. I stayed in bed until 3pm doing stuff and reading. I went to the dx and realized I lost my debit card. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I was biking home last night. Shtitty. It'll be my second one this week, although also my second one in 2 years so whatevies.

Trevor came downtwown and we ate stuff drank stuff and saw a bunch of bands. Most of the bands sucked balls. There was one punk band that I thought was really good though. It was just the venue and other shitty badns that brough t them down. This girl who does lofi and has her own thing by herself performed, which is who I wanted to see, us girls, but she sucked. She tried to pull an ariel pink thing, karaoke style, I get what she was doing, but you can't do that. She played for like 4 fucking minutes literally. If youre going to karaoke you need to either be an asshole or really nice and have a little charisma in my opinion. Also why travel for like 20 years to play for 2 seconds, why take more time to set up your equipment than actually play, why make me pay 8 dollars for your stupid show. Thats 2 dollars a minute buddy!!!!!!! ANyway. I was whatever but now that i Have spelt it out for myself im sort of annoyed
jimmy and allison and bunch of other people came it was nice. jimmy is cute.

but yeah what the fuck is with the world. there is so much better shit going on. i want geneva to become like the new californian nina hagen of the 21st century.

canve dudes were losers and boring. i could do that. it made me want to do my own thing because it would be way more entertaining for everyone else in the room. i would be doing the room a favour. i'm just being polite. thats a song.

grizzly bear should be legendary
one of my fav bands

anyway enough music

i ahe a lot of school to do... im not srue when ill do it. its my birthday on wendesnday. i need to also get my hair cut. the stupid hair plae i go to doesnt i dont give a shit about school!

i have lately been just not giving a shit if you can tell. that is what i need to do. i need to train myself and just drift away while not giving a shit. the story of the bird that doesnt shit.
in stand by me the main kid (his name escapes me right now... funny tha ti remember his brothers name lol) writes this story about fat Lardass Logan who gets revenge on everyone calling him fat by eating 100389 blueberry pies at a pie eating contest and then barfs over everyone making everyone barf all over everyone. "the mayor barfs on his wife's tits". something like that. there is some really funny quality shit in that story. i want to write a series of fucking stupid stories like that like what 9 year old boys would write. one kid in one of my design things deisgned a restaurant uniform where girls wore pizza bikinis. two slices over each boob and one over the groinage area. he was so seriousa bout it and ait was pretty awesome.

the end

8:34 pm - 10.04.08


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