vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



things are kind of weird? i woke up today thinking, or fell asleep thinking, that i should probably see a doctor for my anxiety but im not sure if it is just normal. i hate psychiatrists and the idea of normal and getting "normal" i hate the idea of taking any drugs for this. yet i have a feeling that something is hapepning to me chemically, i dont know. this is a pretty personal thing to be writing about actually and im feeling kind of uncomfortable about it. i think maybe it is just an identity crisis. ishould embrace my anxiety. i question whether im doing what i should be doing. i feel like i need to go on a big adventure some place. maybe the very concept of anxiety is an opiate of the masses or whatever. pure bullshit.

im on my break for school, im at home before iahve to go back. today is pretty easy. i have a ton of work to do tonight though and a big presentation tomorrow, im not really sure how it's going to work out or what exactly is expected as i am going first. i am basically teaching science students about theories of social justice as well as disaster capitalism. i'll admit that im so stoked that milton friedman is dead. that will be my "hook". kidding!!
i got about 4 hours of sleep and im dying already.. i think ill come home , finish an article, nap, do the other articles and do another 4-hour puppy this evening since it's a big day and i should just power up on coffee instead of being wellrested yet unprepared.

around these parts we are pretty into 90210 around here, the old versions. i am pretty convinced that if brandon and dylan had a baby that it would be perfect. brenda is pretty hilarious when she gets mad. i remember this versionb ecause my parents really loved the show. whenever we had a babysitter and they went on a date, they got my babysitter to tape the show so i thought it was important. which is hilarious. i used to want to be kelly.

i saw that kurt cobain documentary about a son and it is kind of like... it is basically a soundfile full of kinda irrelevant images. i like kurt cobain. it couldve been really amazing, and its kinda good, but in my opinion they got kinda lazy.

these days im kind of going with my gut instincts on things. if im not feeling good about something ive decided to go with what i feel rather than fall through the bureaucracy of social expectaitons. i dont give a fuck what people think im just trying to do the right responsible thing. it is sometimes a sturggle.

oh shit i have to read a bunch of shit. i almost forgot. boringest entry ever. it's a time waster. tata

1:33 pm - 09.23.08


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