vaneigem's Diaryland Diary




JesseAxl came back from South America yesterday and we hung out last night. We talked last night about going out east or doing a long weekend camping thing. I want to do something that will challenge me. In the Wild, assholes! Yeah but it was pretty much the best time of my life. the Dakeota Tavern is the best awesomest place on earth. I love that motherfucking stupid place. We danced our bums off. Jenny and Jesse are in love with each other or something and I"m actually into these two friends of mine from two opposite ends of my friendship spectrum to get together. At frist i was like YES! and then I was like, Well maybe this isn't ag ood idea to facilitate and/or encourage. And now I'm back on my original YES! I love Jesse with all my heart. He told me last night that someone emailed him a few years ago to say congratualations on his marriage. Someone thought we married each other!

I haven't been doing music very much becuase I'm at another "technical' barrier. My plan is to go home and get Matt's 4-track recorder so I can record to tape. I don't think I want to do the internet thing at all but I guess I'll have to, and should, at some point. Carly moved out and I will have a lot of time alone here so I'm thinking about it seriously again. I am thinking even of moving out to live on my own so I can work on music more, but then I think I might feel limited by my neighbours or whatever so there's no point of sacrificing in that department. In the Sacrifice Department.

I'm going to see a bucnh of cool shit soon and I dont feel like talking so TTYL

2:39 pm - 04.29.08


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