vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



I kind of want to get a little Christmas tree for my house here. There are a lot of cute ones for relatively cheap, but I can't really bring myself to go through all the effort, then to have it around for like 2-3 weeks or whenever Christmas is.

I have a lot of work today as I teach a couple classes on Tuesday and I write an exam for American History on Monday. American History is really really strange. One funny thing I learned in this calss is that the Graham cracker was created as a diet to achieve some sort of religious enlightenment. I'm guessing Evangelical but I'll have to doulbe check that. I thought graham crackers were created so we could all make smores. I also have to fill out another application which I think I'll do on Tuesday night or something.

Today is cool because I am not pregnant, and I was a little afraid I was to be honest due to a little mishap earlier this month but I figured it would be okay. I'm glad it is because I'm older now and my choices seem a little more complicated. I remember when that ad campaign that came out in those seventeen magazines and it was a white page with a red dot. I was like 7 or something and I had no idea what the fuck it was. It's kind of funny when bitch magazine criticizes stuff like commercials using subtle blue liquid for sanitary pads in their onset experiments, or whatever, instead of blood. Youve really gotta be joking me right. I just dont really want to fucking see that! That zine is really over the top sometimes. I don't know how it is that I ended up writing about this. The point is that I'm not pregnant!!!!! No-mom!

Anyway, I'm in a bad mood and I'm hungry, right!

The other night Geoff and I went to see Colins band, which was beauteous. A bunch of people were there but I didn't feel particulary talkative that enveing. I find I say really stupid things sometimes, like colin was obviously really nervous and I said "Boy you seem nervous!" It's not like I always stick my foot in my mouth, I just don't reall yknow how to express my sympathy. I am much better at empathy so I think I'm going to quit sympathy. Office closed. He siad he was cool and then he played forever. I wore my seafoamy winter sweater with tropical trees and waves on it. It's my favourite sweater right now. I will only wear winter items with a summer theme. I like the idea of bringing a little positive imagination into winter. Spice up your life. Say you'll be there. I am really not into the negative nancies that have to bring everyone down during winter, all the winter crybabies who cry about the cold. Oh, I got that sweater at VV with Bernice, and I showed her this coat I kind of liked, but was really concerend because it said " GENUINE SEAL" on it and I thought it was actually SEAL somehow, but then it ended up a genuine seal of approval or whatever for the the Hudson Bay Company. It was pretty much the funniest thing in the world.

After, GEoff had to promote for a thingy next Friday so I decided to tag along (which I kind of regret now, I should have gone home and studied but of course I chose the funner choice of The Choices). He started getting really grumpy by the end of the night, I knew it was because he was immensely tired and probably hungry and probably cold because he is in denial of needing a hat and gloves and probably just needs me to shove a sugar cube in his mouth so he can lighten up a little bit for the love of all humanity. I possess the valuable knowledge that grumpy-geoff results from low blood sugar levels which can be alleviated by feeding him coffee with sugar. There is nothing more sexy than a beautiful mature caring Man. Sugar= the transition from boy to Man.

Anyway I missed that guy this morning as I was grocery shopping. I am going to get back to studying.

Is it ever scary and weird, to realize, that John Locke's ideas of Property actually stem from a direct attempt to justify slavery. Being a pretty significant shareholder in the royal african company, privileged people probably carried his ideas to other areas of interest, which he also subtly did himself. I would argue he's a sneaky trickster and he's still laughing in his grave at all the dickwads who fell for it. The sense of entitlement to property trickled down into peoples behaviours and even feelings and consciences. And maybe the reason why anyone feels any sense of possession over anything or anyone is because of John Locke's stupid legacy, his self righteous attempt to justify slavery. (I know this is not true and there is alot of biology and human nature involved, but just run with my point.) I was just thinking that when I realized he was a strong shareholder in that company. Because when I first read JOhn Lock 5 years ago without the knowledge that he was a pretty huge slaveholder, I kind of skipped and applied his ideas to otther relative aspects of life without ever really thinking about putting myself in his lens. Also, I have only ever really read excerpts, so maybe my educators provided me with certain excerpts out of shame, or laziness to provide me with the necessary information to understand the whole perspective. Maybe if we all just faced the reality that pretty much every historical hero, some white man most often, was pretty shameful and had motives, and if we understood why and how rather than trying to make legacies out of everyones RESULTS, we could maybe get somewhere in terms of Ideas. We could really think of crazy fucking things working from point A, because not only would ideas change but also emotions and the very core unspeakable things deep in your soul that have little to no explanation, and develop out of some unexplainable synergy. I think the rise of social history in .. uh.. history is going to really help with this. And i was thinking how diffiicult it is to be an educator when you can only really teach one group for one hour a day, you will always leave something important out, and what will run through their minds and what ideas will multiply in their brains when they go to bed at night because you chose to leave out one thing. I talked about this with Kurt I am trying to get them to bring in more elements of agency and protest movements in their history. That is partly how I am trying to elevate the curriculum there. eetc. To up agency and responsibility and process instead of legacies dates and results.

3:26 pm - 12.09.07


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