vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



The stash of the teen. The memory box of youth!

I forgot to mention. On Thursday, I ripped up the professor for my Retarded Online Course, you see, because she, SHIRLZ, gave a multiple choice test regarding the learning domains of various learning ouctome statements. And the whole point of these statemnets is how difficult and useless it is to apply a learning domain, because it varies from person to person and how such and such a person would carry out such and such a task individually, and so on and such and so such and so and forthy suchy. The complete layout of the "quiz" went against the content of what we were taught. I sent her an email articulating my ideas and maybe I"ll get kicked out of the course.

Geneva released an announcement titled, "Dear Dickbag." Dickbag makes a lot of sense.

I am listenign to Black Sabbath. I am so sick of this album I can't even tell you. Even though it changed my life, I guess. I am going to switch it as soon as my hand feels like walking over to the mouse part of my keyboard area. In one of my womens studies classes I remmeber seeing this video called Babakiueria made by Don Featherstone. It was some Australian brill reversing the racial stereotypes of the aboriginals, so the Aboriginals were coming into this new discovered land full of white middle class families in the middle of a bbq party. Is the scenario. " What is this mysterious land?," they asked the moustachioed "KISS ME IM THE COOK" apronned fatty dad. He said "Well, it's the barbecue area." They say, we will call this land Babakiueria. I remember liking it and thinking it was funny. I watched some documentary about Argentina the other day, I rented it, and it is the most incoherent thing I've ever seen. just like this jouranl. Maybe in 10 years' time when I'm an established financially-stable young woman, I'll work on political documentaries. Because that would be amazing amazo amazboppityblop.

I think in December, a bunch of crap will be over with and I'll get on doing some new project. I can't take on anything more. I have enough eanxiety as it is. I just had a little inner-anxiety attack. I emailed my mom and asked "I AM SO CONFUSED WITH TRANSCRIPTS WHAT DO I DO???" It's true. I am confused with Transcripts. I am smack dab about to do one of the most important significant things in my career and it's freaking me the hell out. I havent even started my college applications.

I went to Geoff's thing last night, for an hour or so. It was cute. His event was great and he did such a great job. His boss is one of those types that is never satisfied and everything could be bigger and better. SO he is really hard on him and geoff takes it to heart. It was great and I really hope he realizes how wonderful it was. We went for lunch today and tlaked later tonight> he is out to dinner with Jake. Who I love. I love JAKE. I am excited that Jake is going to be here. Geof fand I dont really have friends we go out and hang with together on a regular basis, so it will be cool maybe if we end up doing that here and there. I really dont want to rain on the bro-parade though. Geoff and I were kind of observing all the gross men... he left to talk to one of the djs so I hung out by myself and men just were flocking. I Swear if any woman stands alone in that bar it is a eyeball meat fest. Ugh. Geoff mentioned about how gross it is, and I said "Try living with it everyday" because it's true. I remember going to my doctors appointment waiting at a stop light on my bike in a hoodie and jeans,not that it should make a differnece but often it does. It was mid-day. And still some guy was like " heeeeeyyyy sexyyyyjsljeljelrkjeiu"
LIKE. i'm going to the fucking doctors to get some birth control pills and Im stressed adn hungry can you leave me alone? Do guys do that to piss girls off? How does it contribute to anything. Usually the thing I do is stare blankly and fake pick my nose. SOme other guy yelled hey sexy while I was riding my bike to geof's thing, and I waved and said " Hey, Ugly!" it was really lame actually but I cant bring my mind to think too much about it. There's gotta be a really hilarious ideal response. You should share anything that beats picking your nose. I guess all girls respond differently. I know my old roommate would do something hilarious like get a free dinner out of them or something.

By the way, I saw the most amazing costume, the image of john cusack standing on the cover of say anything, in the trench coat holding the stereo up. The guy constructed fake arms and a fake stereo so that he could hold that pose permanently. IT was righteous!!!

Tuesday night I will write my essay after I have thought about it and let it stew in my mind for awhile. Indentured work and slaves galore. Carly has this amazing cookbook that I'm going to look through before going to bed, too. NO more feeling guilty and accepting time as time and work as work to fit into the slots of time. FUN

1:41 am - 10.29.07


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