vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


school days

WHOA ! i just got notified that i am in the next issue of an online art mag once in my life! i tried once, got rejected, tried again, got rejected, and now im in! one of 55 out of 700 entries or soemthign. its not a big deal its sort of just a small online thing but still, cool!

cool! im not sure which i submitted got in so i am waiting to see That is really funny beucase i dont even do art anymore and i have no idea what im doing and the people who got rejected are probably way more qualified???? and i just lookeda t this thing and most people have art sites and i dont so what hte hell am i supposed to do? maybe i would start one but id ont really have anything to put on it! but yeah cooll!

2:17 am - 01.15.06


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