vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



I have like two minutes to write

- Teaching is going great. I really like it. I am doing English with some applied grade 9s mostly. They seem to like me. it feels good to pull them in and get them actually engaging with stuff. There was one kid who drew cartoons and wouldnt even open his book and now he's got it out and even raised his hand to answer a question today! holy shit. it kind of floored me. i'm trying to make it interesting for them. i have to go through something really kind of boring, is the task, so i am going to have to make it interesting some how.

- I'm tired. I'm afraid of getting sick. so i work until305ish, get home at 4ish, unless i stay late which i should be doing until 5pmish. I make dinner, that's 6. i do dishes, hang out, clean room, do annoying stuff, that's 7. between 7 and 12 i have my time to make plans, and it tkaes at leats 3 hours per lesson. it's kind of... yeah.

- Monday night dinner this week was really nice. I am thinking about it lately.

- I have to go to bed

- Had a nice conversation with Mary the other night. I dont think we had talked like that for like a year, but it was nice. It is crazy how long we've known each oths.

I have to go to bed and sleep

I'm excited for the weekend to really get caught up. I have to plan LIKE WHOA, but i also need to sleep a lot. I'm kind of rooting for thw eekend. I really dont want to do anything. Ahsley is having her birthday on friday night now which i really didnt want to do. i am only going to go out to osmething i really really am dying to go to, and it sucks to have to kind of do some shit that you totally dont want to do and it is social and shouldnt be an obligation
friendships shouldnt be like that
they should be undemanding. granted i want to be a good friend andtry to make it to everyones birthdays
but for some reaosn i have this idea in my head about certain people tha tthey would be actively mad at me if i couldnt make it. i just need to stay home!i guess it's based on how many people are going. im rooting for lots so i dont have to. that sounds horrible. but i am fucking tired. i dont want to do karaoke. i want to want to! it is almost even down to ability, mentally and physically.

- school tomorrow... same lesson as yesterday and then i gather research for the kids and next week should be easy peasy in that dpt.

12:28 am - 10.30.08


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