vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



FUCK THE WORLD, PLANET EARTH! it's my motherfuckin birthday. officiale. offical-ee, that is.

i'm sitting beside readings that lets face it im not going to fucking do. this shit is basically about how race is socially constructed and how we are products of our own social constructions basically and i could just fucking tlak for 20 hours about this without reading anything. iw ill probably skim some other shorter articles. because it's my motherfucking birthday.

as you can tell i have a great sense of entitlement on my birthday. i am a princess, a queen, a head witch. i have a pre-birthday shower. i put on my pre-birthday black neglige and my lacy blue birthday underwear, pre-birthday underwear that is. i'll sleep in my birthday sheets, ride my bike down the street that exists for my birthday, and stop at the stop light on my birhtday. that which lies at the foundation of all things is--- my birthday.

and okay so you get it. that's all i wanted you to get.

my plans are.. i have class at 830am. i will get a coffee, something nice. ill prerferably walk so i can listen to music and therefore leave a little early. i will get dressed hopefully with a bit of effort, enough that i feel nice. read that backwards. now move forward. questionably, i will have lunch with michelle as i skip my religion class from hell which i am dropping and thought i was really cheating the system in taking it. i will get my nails done i think if i have time. i will come home and relax and read awesome shit. i will read genet, i will read poetry and do my bible readings from raoul vaneigem. ROEL is my bible. ROTFL. that is such a dumb thing to say if anyone knows anythinga bout raoul vaneigem. i will do i dont know what from there... something with jenny and geoff, i will speak to my parents, and hopefully go to bed in an okay time.

wow oww
today i went to the library and took out english resources before all of my colleagues. why are librarians such fucking bitches? excuse me if your mom or dad or sister or uncle or you or whatever is a librarian. but they act like they're doing me a fucking favour. i smile and say thank you and they can't fucking crack one. a smile, i mean. a hi, how are you. a, hey, wahts up. a hey, hows it going. a hey. a hi. eye contact. some acknowledgment of my existence. im scik of that shit. ive had it with librarians. i would love to be a librarian. if i were a librarian i would be the nicest librarian ever to everyone no matter what. is there some order of bitchy librarian seniors who are bringing down all of the younger ones and we just keep producing new generations of librarian bitches/assholes? i suppose there hvae been a few nice ones in my life but dude it is few and far between.

terroni is an amazing restaurant. i love that damn place. geoff and i went there for his birthday and it was damn amazing. i was planning it and knew he would want either italian or indian. terroni rules. they have wine from super progressive wineries in italy even. it is just cool shit. they are nice and have dignity. it is nice but you could put an elbowon the table for a few seconds and not want to die. perfect medium. i know i am late on the terroni train, i am dragging from the terroni kaboose even, but who gives a shit. im on the fucking train.

so yeah i guess i hsould go to bed before i get so little sleep that i am exhausted my whole birthday, and then id have to nap and couldn't get my nails done!! oh no!!!

12:04 am - 10.08.08


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