vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



Everyone looks so put together here. IS fashion a form of procrastination for some people? I dont even have a job and I dont have the fucking time to shop for all this fancy ass shit , I can't keep up and I refuse to compete in this crap. I expect a lot more, interest wise, from a plainly dressed (re: non-trendy) looking person than someone who looks like they spent hours looking for random shit in value village and another few hours putting it all together. Is it attention... to get on blogs..???? I see these things lately... namely from blogs and facebook perhaps... of people just dressed like.... I dont even know how to explain it. The type of dress I see lately, namely among the sceney dj groups, it's not exciting anymore, if it ever was. Like gabe says, it is like the popular girls in high school. IO'm not sure what to think. Maybe individually it's cool and awesome, but collectively these people just look like, sorry to sound like a debbie downer, but, annoying tryhard douchebags. And they probably arent , but jesus I can't help but think it in my head. I am a very culturally confused person. But hey I like not waering white tshirts everyday.

4:13 pm - 06.19.07


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