vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


Art vs. Ideology

Gigi: Flowers, chocolate, spoken-present, unprepared dinner in a brown paper bag. Valentines was cute. We made dinner had leftover wine and did dishes. I didnt do anything for Geoff yet so I guess that makes me a jerk but I though its'a boy-for-girl thing anyway? Actually, I don't think that at all and I'm just trying to seem justifiable. I had this big plan to make a really traditional looking doiley type of valentine. I think they are really cute. Or getting cute stationary.We talked about babies, country houses, pups, and how much we're going to make everyone cry at our future wedding. Jumping the gun a bit maybe, but hey. I'd marry him.

Alas I have been much too preoccupied with the Black community in the 1970s, and then the two other papers I haven't finished. That are due ummm whenever I feel like it. Just kidding. I just 3/4s brainstormed for my paper. I am really into these ideas right now so it's good. I am writing about the relationship of art and ideology in a poem. I never really thought about art and ideology in the sense that they could be separated. I mean, I guess I always knew that they could be, but that I preferred art that was ideological (or, used to when I was really deadset on being super political). I never even thought that people would define art totally separate from ideology. However you think will ultimately be reflected in your art. THat's what I always thought Not so! Art is a broken mirror, I suppose. I think Brecht said that. I'm gearing more towards the fact that ideology cannot be collapsed into art, nor art into ideology. They intersect, but inevitably separate. What is most important is how art REVEALS ideology, emphasis on "how" and the means. I'm thinking of maybe bringing in the concept of the readymades into my paper... out come the situationist books. This is very cool to learn about. I'm going to take the extra day to make it a good paper, I think.

But yeah, was that really elementary to you? I guess my mind is blown right now because something so complicated now is so simple.

I fear how much I need to be pushed to learn. Something new I learned about geoff is that when he feels pushed to do something, he is less apt to do it than if I just hadn't even said anything. Maybe if I hadnt ever said "listen to this song i made you," he would have listened to it within at leasta month. I hope this is my case with education. I am confident that it is so considering I put so much priority and stress so much about it. And that I intend to make it my career, at least, as my day job.

Summer and nights are a totally different story. I'm defienitely not a sneaker freak, infact, I think some sneaker freakers are kind of retarded (but tahts just me). But these have gotta be the most beautiful shoes Ive ever seen. I'm praying to god that the political science department is open on Monday. I know a lot about politics. Especially the viability of social-democratic development strategies, political economies of market reform; reforming globalization (the politics of). Its just my thing is all!!

2:53 am - 02.15.07


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