vaneigem's Diaryland Diary



thanks for the air blockades that separate the two hemispheres 'cause i miss no one and nothing, and i have no fear for what hits me now. far far away from the land of obesity, fakedom, responsibility, and you wonder how distance could make a world's difference? i reject your enslavement as my freedom, it makes no difference at all. territories are conquered, territories were everything you could ever claim. it's a sacrifice i'd take to never know. you'd love to kick my feet into that mediterranean sea, i'd just love for them to get to africa. i am, i wear red today. whether the weather dictated the same thing to you is beyond the mystery. i will join that spanish rain; lovers kiss on that grass, children play on those streets. those birds never acknowledged me, they just want to be left alone. i'll look under my balcony and kiss that memory that had always been.

welcome to the internet.
i'm bringing my diaryland back.

4:25 pm - 04.22.04


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