vaneigem's Diaryland Diary


fucking wonderful.

music: depeche mode

yesterday i was awoken by lovely whitey thingies in the back of my throat which distributed quite a wholesome amount of good ol traditional... how do you say.... PAIN?!?!?! FUCKING PAIN!?!
something like that.

i suffered through said day, as i "worked", aka played "i'll be the server, you be the customer! yay!" i'll give you my infections! oh i hope i did.
there were a lot of crazy ladies out yesterday. one was in search for a blazer for her daughter, and she then had me try on blazers because she was of my frame. everything i said she asked to repeat, i believe she quite possibly had no ears (odd looking woman.) i just wanted her to fucking leave me alone. i could barely talk or swallow all day, for when i DID swallow, it was done through a complex procedure of squeezing my eyes, and holding onto my head for the dear sweet life that i miss so very much. and then.. PLUNGE. PAIN. RELIEF. REPEAT. COMPLAIN.
and i cut down my customer dialogue to: "hi" and "thank you".. least talking possible without getting in shit.

you don't understand, i don't overexaggerate these things, i have never felt such excruciating pain in my entire life.

so oh what a wonderful day.
it was my last day working with my big head boss, who is a coldhearted meanie who i SWEAR has sold her soul to the company she so passionately works for. well after close we all left and she HUGGED me and her skin actually feels like SKIN! wow. there's a little teddy bear underneath all those claws and fangs.
it was quite sad, and i nearly cried. the day before was my last day with wayne (who is/was? my favourite). we exchanged email addresses and i was able to hold myself together during the goodbye, but as i walked to my car, this strange thing happened. i felt my eyes swell and release this strange fluid-like substance! eureka! tears it was very sad. leaving is very emotional for me.

today is my last day with debbie, who has been like a second mother (who i probably see more often than my own!) so i am for SURE going to cry. but i may be in too much pain so we will see.

oh yes
went to the clinic last night. momma said.
the doctor did not say hello. he entered "what's the problem." me-"uhm.. [quite taken aback from the lack of HELLO and even a PINCH of FRIENDLINESS] i think i have strep throat". he says nothing. walks over, puts the tongue depressor in my mouth and walks toward his table. jots things down.
mumbles "tonsil[mumblemumble]"
me, i'm getting pissed.
"excuse me, what? i can't hear you."

what a horrible doctor but I HAVE TONSILLITIS

i went to bed at 11.30pm and i slept 0 hours and 0 minutes last night. how can you sleep when it takes all the energy you have to swallow ONCE?! it's fucking horrible. i am so tired, i just want to sleep. so i can't even sleep through this, which is what i usually do when i get sick.

and ALSO my father has shingles in his eye, and boy can you just imagine this glorious beaming household?!

i am taking amoxcillin or something, i don't know when i'll feel better/be able to sleep. i have fever, chills, my neck is like HUMUNGOUS, it's hard to breathe because my tonsils are blocking those lovely passages that allows me to do so

i work 5 hours today, it is going to be just QUITE THE SOMETHING. it's my last shift, so i can't really call in sick.

i saw jesse yesterday and we are doing something with bernice on wednesday, provided that idon't feel too death-ish. hung out with uzo and kelly and blablahblha people people the other day
must go.

appreciate yr throats and their lack of infections,
jlc xo

8:51 am - 08.24.03


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